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Unedited. & ignore that quote on the gif, I had to use it cause I'm picturing harry like this in this chapter. UNF. I love it. Enjoy!

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Zendaya and Sam made it back home around six in the morning, Zen's grumble of annoyance that Jess and I left her at the house being difficult to ignore. She'd woken me up only to rant about how rude it was to leave her, with her car and I mumbled a half ass apology in my sleepy state. She'd slammed the door before walking off to her room and passing out again. I barely registered Jess screaming at her to 'keep it down' before I fell asleep again.

I wasn't sure what time it was when I woke up a second time to the sound of insistent knocking at the front door. My eyebrows pulled together but I refused to open my eyes, too tired to move and find out who was pounding on our door. I knew everyone else was home as well and it seemed like too much work to get up. I'd let them answer it.

"What the hell." I heard faintly on the other side of the door. It was Zen, and she sounded thoroughly irritated. Her fast footsteps that passed by my door was proof. "Who is knocking at our door at ten in the fucking morning? Any interaction before eleven is unacceptable!"

I grumbled in annoyance, wanting to scream at her that I full heartedly agreed so why, was she yelling to wake the whole apartment up?

The sound of the door opening was faintly heard and I rolled onto my stomach, ready to go back to sleep knowing Zen had answered the door. I was on the verge of falling asleep again but the sound of Zen cursing, then quick footsteps echoing down the hallway left me there in a state between awake and asleep. The footsteps grew closer and before I could process that they were right outside my bedroom, my door flung open and hit the wall loudly. The sound made me jump in fright and I sat up fast, the action causing my head to spin as my sleepy eyes darted to the doorway of my room. I blinked several times, thinking I had to be dreaming when I saw the very boy I had left in bed back at the frat house. When he still stood there after rubbing my eyes, they widened tremendously.

"Harry?" My voice came out hoarse with sleep and my gaze swept over his appearance. He was still in the clothes he'd worn to the party. "W-What-,"

"Want to explain why the fuck I woke up alone?" I flinched at the anger in his tone, gaze locked on his green eyes that were blazing at me from across the room.

"What are you-," I stopped, feeling suddenly claustrophobic with him in my room. I clutched the sheets over my body and pulled them higher as if they'd shield me from him. "Why are you here?"

"Why?" He asked in disbelief and my eyes widened even more when he suddenly walked the small distance between us. I leaned back when he bent over, resting his hands on my bed on either side of my hips. His face was too close to mine but it didn't matter how much I leant back, it was clear he gave no shits about boundaries. "Maybe because I woke up to find you fucking left me. What the fuck, Avri?"

"Why do you care?" The question slipped from my mouth before I could stop myself, eyebrows pinching together in a scowl. It wasn't like he hadn't left me before in the past. What difference did it make if I did the same? If anything, I was saving him from having to do it.

"Good question." He responded and his green eyes flickered between mine. "I don't really know why it does. But for some god damn reason, It was disappointing to find you gone." He swallowed thickly and I barely had a chance to register what he said when he was questioning me again. "So why did you? I thought we were cool?"

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