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Unedited chapter!

Gave you guys another cause I know you're dying to finally get answers about Harry. Sooooo here ya go! Leave your thoughts and comments down below and enjoy ❤️

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The walk to my bedroom was silent and I left Harry there to lay down before grabbing a pair of sweats and tank top, moving to the restroom to go take my shower. I stripped quickly, washing up as fast as I could. I was worried about Harry and curious as to what it was that was bothering him. Something bad must of happened to break him down to the point of needing to open up finally. Not to mention, he'd clearly been crying and something told me Harry was not the sensitive type.

I rushed to wash the shampoo out of my hair, afraid that if I took too long Harry would rethink his decision to let me in and leave. Last thing I wanted was for him to take several steps backward after he took one giant one forward.

I rinse the soap off me quickly before turning off the water and getting out so fast I nearly slipped. Wrapping around the towel around myself, I dried off and pulled my clothes on and practically ran out of the restroom with out bothering to brush or dry my hair. Drops of water soaked my back and I groaned, pivoting on my foot to go back and grab my towel. I'll have to towel dry it.

When I stepped back into my room five minutes later, I found Harry still laying on my bed where I left him. One foot was crossed over the other and I found he'd taken off his jeans to be left in his black boxer briefs and his plain grey t-shirt. His arms were crossed over his chest, arms bulging from the position. His eyes were closed but slowly opened when he heard me enter the room. It tore me in half when I saw his eyes were glistening.

"Hey." I said softly, wringing my hair out into the towel one last time before tossing it on the chair in my room. I sank down on my bed beside him, looking down to meet his red eyes. "Are you feeling any better?"

"No." He spoke hoarsely, staring at me for a moment before he grabbed my wrist and gently tugged me towards him. "Lay with me."

I complied, crawling into the bed beside him and turning to lay on my side. I tucked one arm under my head, the other resting in the small space between us when he released me. He moved his arms to cross behind his head and sighed deeply, eyes fluttering shut as he pressed his lips together. I wanted to know what was going on with him but knew this had to be hard for him to open up to me so I was going to go at his pace. He would speak when he was ready.

I'm not sure how much time passed as we laid there there in silence, but eventually I found myself starting to get pulled by exhaustion. My eyes were fluttering closed but I fought to keep them open, wanting to be there for Harry. But I was so tired and I wasn't sure how much longer I could stay awake.

"Do you want to sleep?" I asked and he shook his head, opening his eyes to stare up at the ceiling. "What do you need?"

"So much." He admitted and his eyebrows furrowed before he licked his lips and turned his head slightly to meet my eye. "I went to see my parents today."

"Oh," I spoke, knowing something must of happened with them. "How...did it go?"

He didn't respond for a moment and completely ignored my question. "Do you remember what I told you about my mum? When we were at the park?"

I nodded. Of course I'd remember that day. It was also the first time Harry had kissed me. "Yes, I remember."

He sighed. "Well, the other day when I came by and you noticed I was in a good mood, it was cause I had seen my mum that day and for once, she wasn't drunk off her ass." He paused and turned to look back at the ceiling. "She was sober, she seemed...better. It felt like I had my old mum back." His eyebrows furrowed in what looked like frustration and he shook his head. "I was fucking stupid to hope she'd stay like that."

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