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It was Saturday night and I had the entire apartment all to myself. Zendaya and the girls had gone out for the night, another frat party they mentioned they were attending. Zen had been persistent about me going as well but I stood my ground, telling her I didn't want to go and for her to stop pressuring me. She immediately backed off and apologized, giving me a brief hug before she'd left with the girls. I felt almost bad for snapping at her but I had been going out with her each time she asked me to but sometimes I just wanted my alone time. Especially after last night.

Admittedly, I was feeling miserable. Once I left Harry's apartment last night I came to the realization that I was beginning to like him. And not just the way a person might like a friend but the way a girl might like her boyfriend. Or potential one, at that. Which was bad. Harry and I were merely supposed to be friends with benefits, no strings attached and yet here I was feeling hurt just because he was rude and asked me to leave his apartment. I don't even know why I'm surprised, he'd done it when we first met and I was stupid to even think for a second he might have changed.

Sure, he'd been nice to me over the past week but maybe it had been all an act. He was buttering me up for sex and the more I thought about it, the more angry I got at myself. I couldn't let him being nice to me affect me so much and though part of me thought I should probably just put a stop to this hooking up, I couldn't do it. Maybe it was self-abuse or maybe I was just that pathetic, but the sex was too good. And now that I'd had a little taste of Harry I couldn't easily let him go. At least not physically. Not yet.

Which was why, when I woke up this morning I made a promise to myself to withdraw from him emotionally. My walls were going back up and I was going to spend the rest of the weekend away from him so I can regroup. I'd be prepared by the time I saw him Tuesday, but as of now I was still feeling down. Sad, mostly.

I had planned to spend my Saturday painting in my room, but I was uninspired. My mood was affecting my ability to be creative and I found myself staring blankly at my canvas. The only artistic thing coming to mind being a specific curly headed, green eyed boy. Who, I was trying very hard to forget about so I tossed my paint brush aside and opted for binge watching a new series on Netflix.

So here I was, sprawled on the living room couch in my cotton shorts and a ratty old white tank top. No bra, no makeup, and my glasses very much intact. My hair was a knotted mess atop my head and a bowl of popcorn was settled in my lap as I stared at the TV screen. Completely enthralled with the show I had just began watching. I was only on episode eight of the first season and I was already consumed with the fictional relationship of Derek Shepherd and Meredith Grey. The sexual tension between them had my eyes glued to the screen while I stuffed my face with popcorn.

I was so distracted by the show, that for a second I assumed the insistent knocking was coming from the TV. When I heard it again, I stopped chewing and sat up straighter as my eyebrows furrowed at the screen. Deciding it were impossible for it to be coming from the show when Meredith was currently talking to Bailey at the hospital, I reached for the remote and paused it. The knocking reached my ears again and I stood up, putting the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. Kind of annoyed with whoever was interrupting my show, I walked towards the door with a scowl on my face. Wanting them to leave as soon as possible so I can get back to my show, I didn't even bother looking through the peephole before throwing the door open.

Which, I now regret not doing.

Because standing there, in a black sweatshirt with a large 'C', 'K', and the words Calvin Klein sprawled across it, stood the one person I was trying desperately to detach myself from. My eyes widened in surprise, breath getting caught at the back of my throat when his hand paused mid air the moment I opened the door. He froze at seeing me, green eyes flying up to meet mine before he suddenly let his arm drop to his side. Harry blinked at me, throat bobbing before he gave me a hesitant smile. "Hey."

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