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The ride back home had been filled with a comfortable silence, the tension between us still lingering and simmering with each minute passing. Every time we met each other's gazes, a blush would spread over my cheeks from the way Harry was looking at me. Like he was torn between wanting to hug me or tear my clothes off.

I tried not to overthink the fact he hadn't stopped holding my hand since we left the observatory, or that he kept me tucked into his side as we sat on the subway. It wouldn't do me any good to get my hopes up if he ended up pulling a complete one eighty on me the moment we got home. If there was one thing I was sure of when it came to Harry, it was that he was unpredictable.

He tugged on my hand when the subway reached our stop and I followed him out. My body felt heavy with exhaustion, both physically and mentally as we walked up the stairs that would lead us back onto the streets. I couldn't wait to get home, shower, then crawl into bed. Most of my Sunday's were spent with me laying around the apartment and although today had been the best, it drained me.

We headed down the sidewalk, Harry's fingers still threaded with mine when he suddenly started steering me in a direction that wasn't towards my apartment. I furrowed my brows and looked up at Harry to see him pressing his lips together. "Uh, Harry? My apartment is that way."

"I know." He nodded and kept leading me across the street.

"So why are we going this way?"

"I want to show you something," when I didn't respond, he looked down at me and gave me wide hopeful eyes. "You'll love it, I swear."

I grumbled, knocking my forehead against his shoulder and trusting him to lead me. "I better. I'm tired."

He chuckled and my insides jumped when I felt his mouth press into the top of my head. "You will."

I let him lead me down the sidewalk, recognizing our surroundings when I noticed the familiar buildings that were near Harry's apartment. The streets were pretty quiet but I bit my lip to refrain from smiling when we passed an ice cream shop and Harry waved at the old woman standing behind the counter through the glass window. Or the man that owned the flower shop right next door to the complex. Harry was showing me more sides to him tonight that I was finding were only making me like him more.

My confusion increased when we entered the complex and not the other side where I knew the door to his apartment was. We went through the lobby, which unsurprisingly was nice and had brown leather couches and white marbled floors. He greeted the man behind the counter with a fist bump then pulled me into the direction of the elevators. I stepped inside with him, amazed when I saw the mirrored walls around us.

"Whoa," I looked up at the ceiling. "There's a mirror up there too. No one could ever get away from their flaws in here."

"I guess it's a good thing you don't have any." He said as he punched in the last floor number of the complex. Which was twenty eight. There was no hiding what his comment did to me with  all the mirrors surrounding us and I caught the grin on his face in the reflection as he met my gaze.

"You're wrong." I replied to quietly and he held my gaze through the mirror, shaking his head slowly.

"I'm not."

We didn't speak, but I felt the tension between us increasing. His fingers grazed mine, brushing them teasingly until I felt a heat spreading up my fingertips and through my arm. I breathed in through my nose, waiting for us to reach our floor. He met my gaze again through the reflection when he slowly ran his fingers down the palm of my hand. There was something in his gaze that had been there through out the day, but before I could read too much into it, the elevator doors opened.

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