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The next few weeks had passed quickly, and before I knew it- Thanksgiving was right around the corner. Our finals were approaching and in the last few days before the holiday break, I was rushing to complete my assignments before I headed back home. Zen and the girls were buried in their books as well, that I hadn't seen much of them unless it was passing each other in the kitchen for another cup of coffee or during meal breaks. Harry had insisted on still coming over in the recent days despite how busy we both were. Things had changed between us since he had taken me out to see New York, but it was good. Sometimes too good to be true.

Everything felt easy with him and we had fallen into the comfort of each other's company. We unknowingly established a routine, where I went to school, work, came home and Harry would meet me for dinner before we buried ourselves in school work. The night usually ended with us rolling around in bed, and more often these days- staying up talking until well past our bed time.

Today was no different, and I peeked up from the English text book on my desk to glance at him across the room. Currently, he was lying across my bed on his stomach and leaning on his elbows as he read his textbook. His sweats had slid down and his white t-shirt had ridden around his hips, exposing the band of his boxers. His tongue poked out to the side like it usually did when he was in deep concentration. I suppressed a grin when he wrote notes in his notebook, his forehead creasing in deep thought. As if feeling my eyes on him, he looked up and caught me staring.

"What's so funny?"

I smirked and shrugged, tucking my leg underneath me on the chair. "Nothing."

"Yeah?" He raised an eyebrow at me and sat up on his knees, his hair falling in his face. It had grown longer in the past few weeks and he probably needed a trim but I wouldn't be the one to tell him that. His long hair was growing on me. "Why you staring then?"

"I like to stare at pretty things." I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he rolled his eyes, snorting as he threw his legs over the side of my bed.

"Pretty! Aha!" He scoffed, standing and sauntering towards me. I looked up at him when he stopped in front of me and he leaned down, his hand resting on the back of my chair as he smiled. "I think pretty is you, baby girl."

I rolled my eyes, a blush heating my cheeks and playfully shoved his face away with the palm of my hand. "Clearly, you haven't looked at yourself in the mirror. You're the pretty one."

"Hmm," He shook his head and leant down, pecking my lips before standing and running his fingers through the loose strands of my hair hanging around my face. "Let's agree to disagree." He smirked, then looked down at the textbook still open on my desk. "You almost done?"

Glancing down at my notes and the open text, I sighed and shook my head. "I've read it twice already but I guess I'm as done as I'm going to get. I'll just have to wing it and try to remember everything for the in-class essay."

"I'm sure you'll do fine." He closed my book for me and grabbed my hand to pull me up from the chair. "Let's do something. My brain is going to fry if I look at another chemistry problem."

I scrunched my nose, thankful I wasn't taking chem this semester. "What do you want to do?"

He shrugged and looked around my rooms.  "I don't know, anything really. We could watch a movie, eat, sleep, fuck," he wiggled his eyebrows and I stifled a laugh. "We're both heading home tomorrow night for the break so I want to do something with you before we do."

"Is Harry going to miss me?" I teased, grinning from ear to ear as he scowled and rolled his eyes at me.

"Piss off," he responded and I laughed out loud when he turned on his heel and headed towards my bedroom door. "I'm going to make popcorn and put on a movie. You can either join me or not."

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