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His blonde hair, familiar gray t-shirt, and wide blue eyes that I used to think were so clear and beautiful. Yep it's definitely him. But what was he even doing here? He didn't attend this school and we were a good hour away from our home town. He had decided to go to a local college instead of moving away, because he 'didn't want to be away from Karley' since she had one year left of high school. Yet here he was.

After getting over my initial shock of seeing him here, I blinked and my face twisted into a scowl. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

His eyebrows shot up his forehead and he lifted a hand up in surrender. "Your vocabulary has sure gotten colorful."

I glared at him before snatching the Jameson bottle off the table. "Seriously Zack, why are you here? Last I checked you didn't go to this school."

He didn't respond for a long moment as I poured the Jameson into a red solo cup until it reached halfway. I didn't know how to properly mix a drink, I was no expert but I was sure I was overdoing it and the amount I poured was probably way too much. But I needed a strong drink, especially after finding him here.

Out of my peripheral vision I saw Zack move around the island, squeezing by people until he was standing beside me. I tensed at his close proximity but continued to ignore him as I reached for an unopened can of sprite. "I don't go here but Riley does. He's in this frat and he invited me." Riley. Of course, how could I forget him? He was one of Zack's best friend's all through high school. Granted he graduated the year before us so he wasn't around as often during our senior year. Not that I cared or not, Riley had always hated my guts and I always hated his. He had been the biggest asshole to me while Zack and I were together, saying things that were deeming and embarrassing regardless if we had a crowd around us. He was awful and Zack was awful for not ever standing up for me. I hadn't thought so back then but now when I've taken a step back and looked at how I was treated all through that relationship, it's clear as day how shitty of a boyfriend Zack was.

"I forgot he went here." I mumbled, picking up my plastic cup and taking a sip. "But now that I know I'll avoid him at all costs. Thanks for the info."

"I don't know why you hate him so much, he isn't a bad guy."

I nearly spit my drink out on his face. He's got to be kidding me. I shake my head and glare up at Zack. "Did you forget all the times he was a dick to me? Probably, considering all you ever did was sit by and watch." I snorted and turned to leave. "Good talk."

"Wait-, Avy!" I flinched when he grasped my arm to pull me back along with the use of the old nickname I now despised. "I'm sorry. You're right. I was a shit boyfriend." You got that right. "But I-," he paused and cleared his throat. "I did, do, care about you. I'm sorry I couldn't properly show it."

"Yeah and I'm sorry you fucked my cousin." I stated and he winced, releasing my arm when I tried to wiggle it out of his grasp. "Are we done here now?"

He pursed his lips and I looked away from him, my back being pushed into the counter as more people crowded the kitchen. It was going to be impossible to get the hell out of here. "Where's your boyfriend?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, nose scrunching in confusion before looking back up at him. "My boyfriend?"

"Yeah, the one from the skating rink?" He said slowly, eyes narrowing suspiciously just as my eyes widened slightly. Harry. Shit.

"Oh, yeah. He's-, around." I said shortly, twirling my finger in the air to indicate the party. My mind went to how he was standing against the wall with a girl who was obviously flirting with him and feeling him up. Were they still there or did he end up taking her upstairs?

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