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My steps quicken on the last set of stairs, my breaths irregular as I finally reach the top of the last one. I take a deep breath, my eyes settling on the numbers of our apartment door just five feet away. I slowly walk up to it, putting the key in the lock before turning it and quietly pushing the door open. I step through the apartment cautiously, hoping that everyone is still sleeping like they were when I stopped by before heading off to the store. It's dead quiet and after making the decision that everyone is in fact still sleeping, I sigh and move to the door of my bedroom, the floorboards creaking when I do.

"Where the hell were you?"

I scream, my hand flying over my mouth just in time to spin around and see Zendaya sitting at the kitchen counter. Legs crossed and hands clasped together over the counter with her eyebrow arched at me like she were a waiting mother. I sigh in relief, my shoulders falling when I realize she's not a serial killer but it's short lived when her eyes flicker over my attire.

"Jesus, you scared the crap out of me." I tell her with my hand on my racing heart, but she ignores me, her eyes narrowing over my black dress.

"Why are you still wearing last nights dress? And what's with the sandals? Weren't you wearing heels last night?" She asks slowly and I freeze, my mouth opening and closing like a fish out of the water as I try to come up with an excuse. I didn't think this through clearly or stop to come up with something in case she caught me. I guess I sort of figured she wouldn't have.

"Um," Is all I say but my dress is the least of her worries when she sees the CVS plastic bag in my hand, her interest peeking.

"What's that?"

"Tampons." I say quickly but she isn't buying it. She slides off the stool and when I see she's going to come look for herself I pivot on my heel and make a run for it. I hear her following right behind and just as I reach the bathroom and grab the door, she runs in before I can close it in her face.

My focus is on the door that I give her the opportunity to snatch the plastic bag from me, her hands digging into it and pulling out the box. Her eyebrows furrow as she reads it but then her eyes widen and her mouth falls open. She gives me a wide smile and laughs, shaking her head. "You slut! You got laid last night!"

"No I didn't!" I lie but it's useless, the proof is in her hands. She laughs again at my denial and wiggles her eyebrows at me, moving to pull herself up on the counter as I snatch the box out of her hand.

"It's about damn time!" She yells and grins mischievously at me. "Now tell me who it was. Was he good? How was it?"

I shake my head, opening the box and looking over the directions in the back. "No one, he was just a random guy. I don't remember his name, I was drunk." I lie, avoiding her gaze. How would she feel if she knew it were Harry? Her closest guy friend? Would she care or get mad? I didn't know, but I wasn't about to risk it and find out.

"Well that blows," she says disappointedly. "Well do you at least remember how it was? Because that will suck if you don't."

After a moment of deliberating whether to lie about that too, I decide to give her a little piece of information from that. It wouldn't hurt to tell her how it was, plus she would stop fishing for more answers if I told her something. "It was good. He was really..." I pause, thinking of the right word to describe Harry. "Enthusiastic." I say with a nod and Zendaya tilts her head to the side, eyebrows furrowing at me.

"Enthusiastic?" She says unsurely. "What does that even mean?"

"You know... Like he was fast." I say with a wave of my hand and Zen's face falls.

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