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The sound of a phone ringing pulled me from sleep, face tightening when the persistent vibration of it on my desk continued. Groaning quietly, I moved my arm to reach for it only for a heavy weight holding it in place. Confused and still half asleep, I tried to move my arm again only to come out with the same result. Opening my eyes, I saw dark brown hair that was currently tickling my lips. It took me a moment to process who the hell was laying on top of me when I remembered Harry had spent the night.

My cheeks warmed when I saw how he slept on top of me. Somehow during the night, He seemed to have ended up lying between my thighs, his arms circled around my waist in a tight grip while his cheek was pressing into my chest. My mouth twitched when I saw how his mouth was open just slightly, puffs of breath so warm a thin layer of sweat had broken out on my collarbone from it. My whole body was hot from all of our body heat but regardless, I didn't move to push him away. I didn't know if I'd ever get another experience like this with him so I was going to enjoy it while I still could.

I watched him for a while, unable to go back to sleep now that I was aware of our position. I began to drift off when the sound of my phone vibrating again made my eyes peel open, and made Harry stir as well.

He groaned, the action causing a vibration over my chest. His arms around me tightened before he turned his head, eyes still closed as he rested his chin in the middle of my chest. It was painful, and my breasts were being squashed but I couldn't find it in me to push him away. "Turn your damn phone off."

I carefully tugged my arm out from under him with great effort and reached for my phone on the nightstand, picking it up to glance at the caller ID. My mom's picture lit up my phone and I forwarded her call, deciding I'd call her back later once I was fully awake.

I dropped my hand beside me after putting my phone down, gaze turning back to Harry to see he still had his eyes closed. His mouth was in a pout and he looked so cute with his bed head and sleepy face that I instinctively ran my fingers through his hair, pushing the strands that flopped over his forehead back. He hummed, and it sounded dangerously close to a moan. My belly stirred and I pressed my lips together to keep myself from smiling. I dropped my hand after a few moments, only for Harry to grab it and place it back on top of his head. I laughed.

"Feels good," he mumbled, voice coming out deeper and raspy. "Keep doing it."

His morning voice was terribly hot that I listened immediately, running my fingers through his hair and letting my nails lightly scratch his scalp. He kept making sounds in the back of his throat, that it reminded me of a cat purring.

After a few minutes, Harry finally opened his sleepy eyes to find me staring at him. His mouth twitched slightly and his hand lifted to push my tangled hair out of my face. "You look adorable in the morning."

I blushed, not use to him complementing me like this. "Shush." I mumbled, playfully pushing his shoulder but he raised his eyebrows at me.

"I'm serious."

"I look gross."

"No, you don't." He paused as if he was going to rethink what he wanted to say next but said it anyways. "I could get used to seeing you like this."

I froze at his words, unsure if I should take him seriously or not. Was he implying he wanted us to have sleepovers more often? That he liked waking up to me? Before I could read much into it, he abruptly looked away as if just realizing what he said to me. I watched his cheeks tinge a light pink and then he pushed himself up and rolled off of me. A gust of cold air immediately hit me the moment he got off me, flopping onto his back beside me instead. I turned my head to look at him, watching him glance up at the ceiling before biting his lip.

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