Chapter 3

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   "Yoongi, why do you have to act like that? He's a nice boy and you should get along with him. He could be a good thing for you." Mrs. Min heard a door close and shot Yoongi a look telling him to behave.
   Jimin walked into the living room and saw Mrs. Min and the mint green haired boy, Yoongi. Jimin sat across from them on a chair. Mrs. Min had placed in front on the TV so Yoongi couldn't turn it on.
   "How are you Jimin? Did you like the cabin?" Mrs. Min asked trying to break the silence.
   "Yes ma'am. It was very nice." Jimin responded looking down at his hands. He was so nervous. He knew this part. This is where he would get rules, where he would be going to school, what his chores were, and then he would be sent to go do them for the day, if they weren't already done.
   "Jimin, I'm not going to give you a long list of rules. You and Yoongi will get the same rules. 1st do your chores. 2nd be respectful and use your manners. 3rd I don't care what gender you like but don't get anyone pregnant and you can always tell me anything." Mrs. Min smiled at Jimin.
   "This is lame. You wanna go chill?" Yoongi spoke up. He was tired of being in the conversation. He usually didn't like his foster siblings in his room because he didn't like getting close to them. He didn't know what was different about Jimin. He wanted to ignore how much he just wanted to talk with Jimin for hours, but he couldn't look away.
   Jimin's heart pounded. Yoongi, the most beautiful boy he had ever see, wanted to hang out with him. Jimin nodded then followed Yoongi to his room. Jimin entered the room and was in shock of how much stuff Yoongi had. A computer stood in the corner. On the screen was a picture of Yoongi and a girl. Yoongi ran over and shut the monitor down. Jimin felt a ping of disappointment. That was just another reason why Jimin had no chance with Yoongi.
   "So, how old are you?" Yoongi said, feeling awkward standing near Jimin. He knew that Jimin was cuter than him as he really wanted to get to know Jimin but he knew that Jimin would just turn 18 and move out. Leaving him in the dust.
   "17. I'll be 18 in 10 months."
   "Really? So you're only a Junior?" Yoongi thought that Jimin would be a Senior like him.
   "Yea. I have a late birthday." Jimin looked down, his cheeks deep red with awkwardness and a little embarrassment.
   "I graduate this May." Yoongi said. Yoongi sat down on the floor and invited Jimin to do the same.
   "So let's play a game." Yoongi loved playing games to get to know people. That's how he made most of his friends.
   " Okay. What type of game?" Jimin was glad that Yoongi was interested in being casual with him.
   "We can play questions. All we do is ask each other questions but we have to answer honestly. And when a question is asked we both have to answer." Yoongi explained and Jimin nodded agreeing to the game.
   "I'll go 1st." Yoongi smiled and he and Jimin went back and forth with questions for an hour.
   "Who is the most interesting person you've ever met?" Yoongi asked Jimin. Jimin knew the answer to the question, but he loved talking to Yoongi and he didn't want to scare him off by telling him that he was the most interesting person he had ever met.
   "I don't know. I can't choose. How about you." Jimin responded.
   "You." Yoongi took a huge leap saying that. His heart pounded. He didn't know why he was so embarrassed that he said that. He didn't give away that he thought that Jimin was gorgeous or that he is a wonderful person.
   "Thanks. Your interesting too." Jimins face was a deep red. He liked it when Yoongi complimented him.
   "Boys. Dinner is ready." Mrs. Min poked her head into Yoongi's room.
   "Okay." Yoongi stood up and held his hand out to help Jimin up. After dinner, which was the most delicious food Jimin had ever tasted, he went to his new bed. He sat in the darkness, thinking about what Yoongi had said. He tried to push it back to his mind but he couldn't.

Ah...awkwardness .-.

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