Chapter 20

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Namjoon: do you ever plan on leaving the hospital?
Yoongi: I actually just got back to the room. I went home to change
Namjoon: Yoongi... It's near the end July. You've been there everyday you've been there everyday.
Yoongi: Namjoon I need to be here for him. I don't want something to go wrong and he have no one. What if he wakes up?
Namjoon: there is still the possibility that he won't. I don't want you to waist away....
Yoongi: Namjoon I'm fine...
Namjoon: please get out and do something. I'm worried.
Yoongi: I gotta go.

   Yoongi slid his phone into his pocket when he heard Jimin heart monitor pick up. The increase continued and Yoongi stared to worry. He ran out of the room calling for a nurse. 3 nurses and a doctor ran into the room and  watched through the glass on the door. Yoongi  felt tears for in his eyes and he picked up his phone to call him mom. "Hello?" She asked when she picked up.
"Mom something is wrong with Jimin. He's-"  Before Yoongi could finish Yuna interrupted.
"I'm on my way." Yuna hung up the phone. Yoongi looked back to the room. The doctors and nurses were frantically rushing. Yoongi looked up at the heard monitor the see that Jimin heart had stopped completely. Yoongi's heart physically hurt. He felt it breaking. He thought he would get to hold Jimin and kiss him and love him again but knew that was never going to happen now. The sat on the floor outside the room crying. Eventually one of the nurses came and took him to the waiting room so he would disturb any of the patients. His mom showed up eventually and rushed to Jimin's room.
   "Yoongs?" Namjoon said when he saw Yoongi sitting in the waiting room. "Your mom called me. She said to take you out somewhere." Namjoon said sitting down next to his friend.
   "I don't wanna leave Namjoon. I need to stay here. He needs me." Yoongi started to cry again. He thought of Jimin dying and he could bare the pain.
   "Let's go." Namjoon grabbed yoongis arm and pulled him up. The two boys walked out of the hospital and to Namjoon's car. They met up with Jin at a diner. Jin stood up and have Yoongi a hug.
  "Hey Yoongi." Jin's said sympathetically. Yoongi nodded and looked at his phone, waiting to hear for his mom. "Yoongi. Do you want to go to see a movie tomorrow? Me, you, Namjoon, whoever you want to bring." Jin asked.
   "No that's okay Jin. I'm fine. Really guys. It's just my boyfriend is in the hospital dying and I can't be there to help him. I love him and I need to be there with him." Yoongi said. Looking up at his friends.
   "Jimin's gonna be fine. As long as you are alive, he won't leave you." Jin said trying to reassure Yoongi. The thre boys ordered and ate their food and left. Namjoon took Yoongi back to the hospital to pick up his car then followed him home. Yoongi set his things down in the kitchen then went into Jimin's cabin. When he walked in he was hit with all the memories of the room. All the late night movies and sweet kisses and long, warm snuggles that all happened. Yoongi walked over to Jimin's bed side table and picked up the note pad and wrote Jimin a note.  He laid down on Jimin's bed and cried himself to sleep.

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