Chapter 19

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   Yoongi looked up when he hear a light tap on the door of the hospital room. He let out a sigh when his eyes were met by Taehyung. 
   "How is he?" Taehyung asked stepping into the room. Yoongi looked over at Jimin, seeing that he was still there, still breathing, still in a coma.
   "Been better." Yoongi replied. He didn't want Taehyung there but he had to respect the fact that Taehyung and Jimin are best friends.
   "Oh." Taehyung said quietly. He stared down at his hands. Yoongi let out a quiet sigh as he stared at Jimin's face. He pulled his arms out of the sleeves of Jimin's sweatshirt that Yoongi was still wearing. It was quiet for a while. Nothing but the sounds of the heart monitor.
   "Listen Yoongi. I'm really sorry about the texting thing. It was really stup-"
   "You know what Taehyung? I have more important things to worry about than your childish game. Jimin forgave you so it's over." Yoongi snapped. He was angry and tired and irritated. He looked back at Jimin and sat quietly. Taehyung hung his head and quietly left the room. Yoongi sighed as Taehyung left. He has already spent 1 month sitting in the same hospital chair everyday, listening to the same heart monitor, seeing the same doctors and nurses. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to check his text messages.

Joonie: Hey...
Joonie: Are you okay?
Joonie: Do you want some company?
Joonie: Yoongs?
Joonie: okay I get it...
Yoongi: hey sorry I took a nap. Nah man I don't need company I'm good. I've got Jimin with me. He's all I need
Joonie: they're gonna catch the bastard that did this.
Yoongi: yea I know. I just wish they would hurry up. And

   Yoongi locked his phone and slid it back into his pocket. He scooted his chair closer to Jimin's bed and closed his eyes for a moment.

   "Yoongi. Wake up" Jimin said tapping his boyfriends shoulder. Yoongi sat up from his bed and rubbed his eyes. He looked over at Jimin who was standing over him and wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck pulling him closer.
   "I love you baby." Yoongi said closing his eyes and burying his face into Jimin's neck.
   "I love you too. Are you okay Yoongs?" Jimin asked confused.
   "You're here so I am perfectly fine."
   "Awe Yoongi, you're too sweet." Jimin said. Yoongi felt Jimin's body go limp. He lifted his head and saw his new surrounding. He was by the dumpster, sitting next to the beaten and bloody Jimin, except this time he wasn't alive. Yoongi stood up and backed away from the lifeless Jimin. Yoongi turned to run away but kept ending up back in the alley behind the school, with the dumpster and Jimin. After the third loop he slowly walked over to Jimin and looked down at him as he felt tears leave his eyes. He sat down and brought his knees to his chest and began to sob into them.

   Yoongis head shot up as he came back to reality from his dream. He looked over at Jimin who was still laying in the same position in the hospital bed, still alive. He looked out of the window and saw darkness. He checked his phone for the time


   He decided that he didn't want to go back to sleep, afraid of the nightmare he was having. He looked back over at Jimin and became even sadder than he was before. He though of how it felt in his dream, to hold Jimin's life less body. He though of how it was going to feel ten times worse if he actually lost Jimin. He tried to shake the thought from his mind but it stayed.


The night of graduation

   Jimin walked out of the auditorium down the hallway into the cafeteria to grab a bottle of water. His hands got sweaty and heart started racing when he heard a voice behind him that was way too familiar. A voice that Jimin dreamed he would never have to hear again.
   "Hello Jiminie." Jungkook said as Jimin turned around to see the familiar, younger face of his ex foster brother. "I know you missed me. Why don't we take a walk?" Jungkook said walking over to the older boy, and placing his arm around his shoulders.  Jimin walked with Jungkook, curious and a bit scared of what he wanted.
   "So, heard you've gotten yourself a new boyfriend." Jungkook said, making conversation with Jimin, who nodded slightly at this statement. Jimin was even more nervous now that Jungkook knew about Yoongi. Jimin wanted nothing more than to get back to the graduation ceremony.
   "So shall I go find him? Since you will date him and not me." Jungkook said pulling Jimin attention back. Jimin was reminded of the day that Jungkook confessed his feelings for Jimin.
   "It's different Jungkook."
   "No it's not."
   "Yes it is. You don't know the circumstance. It's different compared to our old one." Jimin said. "So what do you want anyways Jungkook?" Jimin desperately wanted to change the subject off of Yoongi, so Jungkook didn't get any ideas about hurting Yoongi.
   "I just wanted to drop by. See how you are. Life at home hasn't really been the same since you left." Jungkook said continuing to walk with Jimin around the exterior of the school. Jimin looked over at Jungkook, waiting for an explanation for the comment.
   "You see, you're social worker called the cops on me when he saw me about to kick your ass. My mom had to pay my bail. Money doesn't grow on trees Jimin. That was money we didn't have, plus we lost 1,000 a month when you left us." Jungkook explained.
   "That's unfortunate." Jimin said as they rounded the corner to the back of the school.
   "Yea, but I'm willing to forgive you." Jungkook said. He stopped and faced Jimin.
   "Why?" Jimin asked.
   "Because Jimin." Jungkook started walking slowly towards Jimin pushing him against a wall, "I still love you." Jungkooks face was inches away from Jimin's soft lips. "What do you say? Forget you're boyfriend. Come be with me and you'll never have to worry about a foster home or anything ever again." Jungkook leaned even closer to Jimin. He could feel his hot breath again his skin and it made him want Jimin even more.
   Jimin softly whispered "Go to hell." Jungkook became enraged. He punched Jimin in the stomach, causing him to fall to his knees. Jungkook kicked Jimin repeatedly until it hurt the older boy to breath. Jungkook got down and rapped his hands around Jimin's throat and squeezed, hard. Jimin laid gasping for air, thinking of Yoongi. How he was never going to get to kiss him, and hold him, and cherish him ever again. Then nothing. Darkness. Jungkook fled when he heard people calling for Jimin. Jimin laid next to the dumpster where his assailant left him.

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