Chapter 17

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Yoongi sat silently in the hospital room, next to Jimin's bed still in his graduation gown. Yuna has tried many times to get Yoongi to go home but he refuses. Yoongi just sat. Staring at Jimin's beaten but still beautiful face. He sat hating himself. He promised Jimin that he would always keep him safe and he broke that promise. Yoongi still didn't know the extent of Jimin's injuries.
"Yoongi I'm going down to get something to drink. Would you like to come?" Yuna asked standing up from her chair on the other side of the room. Yoongi shook his head, still not taking his eyes off of Jimin. He didn't dare leave him. Yuna started off down the hall and the doctor walked in.
"Is his guardian here? I have some information." The doctor said when seeing that it was just Yoongi in the room.
"No. She's down the hall getting some water." Yoongi said still not looking away from his boyfriend.
"Okay well then I'm going to check some things until she gets back." The doctor said walking over to Jimin's bedside. Yoongi looked up at the doctor.
"Your going to mess with him?" Yoongi asked concerned.
"Yes. It's my job."
"But your going to hurt him." Yoongi said. The doctor sighed and looked back at Yoongi.
"Yoongi right?" Yoongi nods his head. "Listen Yoongi, I do this for a living. I do this almost everyday. I promise you, I'm not going to hurt Jimin. I know how it is, being protective when someone your close to is hurt, but I am a trained professional. If you would like. You can stay right there and watch to make sure that I don't hurt him." Yoongi nods and looks at the doctor's hands, observing every move he makes. After a few minutes Yuna walks back in.
"Oh hello Mrs. Min. I'm Jimin's doctor."
"Hello doctor." Yuna says walking in and handing Yoongi a bottle of water.
"So I have some information on Jimin's state. But I need to know if it is okay for Yoongi to here or if you want to relay the message back to him." The doctor asked knowing about Yoongi's sensitive state.
"He's okay to listen." Yuna said even though she was a little worried about Yoongi.
"Okay. So Jimin has obvious injury to his lip, forehead, and nose. He also suffers from an injured windpipe. He can barely breath on his own and because of the lack of oxygen to his brain, he is in a coma. He was most likely strangled, but whoever did it obviously didn't kill him but that doesn't mean that he won't die. The injury to the windpipe might be fatal. We're helping him breath but if the windpipe doesn't heal properly, he won't be able to breathe." The doctor finished. Yoongi didn't realize that he had a tear slowly sliding down his face. He knew Jimin was hurt but his heart actually broke when he heard what the doctor had to say. He knew that he wouldn't be able to go on without Jimin by his side. He could barely stand seeing Jimin in the hospital, but only stayed because he didn't dare leave him again. Yoongi wiped the tear away and walked over to sit down next to Jimin again. Yuna thanked the doctor and walked over to comfort Yoongi.
"Mom, could you go get me a sandwhich?" Yoongi asked trying to get her out of the room so he could have a moment alone with Jimin. Yuna nodded and walked out into the hallway. Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand and kissed it.
"Please baby. I need you. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere until you are awake to kiss me back." Yoongi closed his eyes and a tear slid down his face. He released Jimin's hand and looked out into the hall to see if anyone was watching. He stood up and kissed Jimin's forehead then sat back down. Yuna walked back in with a sandwhich in her hand and set it on the table next to Yoongi. A few minutes pass by and Mr. Kim comes running into the Hospital room. He is at a loss for words when he sees Jimin laying in the bed. He walks over to him and looks at his cut face and bruised neck.
"What happened?" He asked looking over at Yoongi.
"Some asshole beat him up, strangled him, and left him to die, that's what happened." Yoongi said with a slight attitude, but it was ignored because everyone knew he was angry. Mr. Kim nodded and asked about his injuries. Yuna explained what the doctor had said but Yoongi blocked them out because it was too painful to here. His boyfriend is dying and there is nothing that he can do about it. He is so angry that he can't think straight and so sad that he want to crawl into a hole and die. He sighed and looked over at the clock.
Yoongi closed his eyes for a moment and tried not to go to sleep. Unfortunately his plan failed within 2 minutes.


Sleep is good...I should do that...

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