Chapter 7

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"So Jimin, Yoongi's birthday is tomorrow. I want you to take some money and get him something. You actually know what he likes more than I do." Yuna said.
   "Actually Yuna. If it's okay. I would like to use my own money. I have enough." Jimin said. He didn't want to take money from Yuna after she had given him so much over the past month.
   "Okay. What are you going to get him. I want to help if you need it or want it. Please just ask." Yuna said.
   "I'm getting him a camera. He told me that he likes to take pictures and that he had his eye on a camera and so I want to buy it for him." Yuna looked at Jimin sweetly.
   "Thank you Jimin. I know how it must have been moving into a new home but the closer I see you and Yoongi grow, the happier I get." Yuma smiled and gave Jimin a hug. The young boy smiled and walked back up stairs. He and Yoongi were talking about after high school.
   "So are you gonna leave?" Jimin asked.
   "No. I can't. Jin is here. I can't leave him by himself." Yoongi covered up the fact that he really likes Jimin and that he was staying here for him.
   "Oh. I have one more year and that sucks. I want to be 18 so badly." Jimin admitted.
   "Because, when I'm 18, I'm out of the foster system. I can leave and go live on my own. No one can stop me. I can do whatever I want." Jimin said. Yoongi hated the thought of Jimin leaving. He wanted him to stay, but he knew that if he stayed they could never be together. He wanted to be with Jimin so badly, but he knows the rules. He can't be with him until he moves out of becomes 18.
   "It's really late. 2:00 am" Jimin said.
   "Yea I guess so."
   "Happy birthday, Yoongi. You are officially 18." Jimin wrapped his arm around Yoongi's shoulder. The 2 boys fell back on to bed and just lay there. Yoongi closed his eyes.
   "Jimin, I'm really glad that you're here. You're my best friend." Yoongi sleepily whispered.
   "I'm glad I'm here too." Jimin replied as he and Yoongi both fell asleep.
Jimin walked into Yoongi's bedroom. But the beautiful shirtless boy with mint green hair was asleep. Jimin walked over to the sleeping Yoongi and examined his beautiful body. Jimin bit his lip thinking of how sexy Yoongi is.
   "You like what you see?" Yoongi asked. Jimin nodded his head. Yoongi sat up and pulled Jimin until he was standing directly in front of him. Yoongi slowly moved his hand and slid Jimin's shirt off. He moved his hand along Jimin's torso, feeling every single muscle. Yoongi grabbed the back of Jimin's neck and kissed him. Jimin squeezed his eyes shut as he began getting hard. Yoongi pulled away and found his way to Jimin's zipper. He unbuttoned Jimin's pants. Jimin bit his lip, closed his eyes....
Then woke up.
Jimin sat up straight on Yoongi's bed. He looked over at the clock.
8:16 am
Perfect. Jimin got up and exited Yoongi's room. He walked down stairs and was greeted Yuna in the kitchen. 
   "Good morning, sweetie."
   "Good morning Yuna. Can I ask you a question?" Jimin said sitting down at the table with Yuna.
   "Of course. What's up?"
   "Would it be okay if I went to the store? The electronics store like 2 miles away." Jimin asked.
   "Of course. Go get dressed and I'll drive you."  Yuna said. Jimin nodded and headed to his cabin. He got dressed and met Yuna in the kitchen.
Yoongi sat up in his bed. He rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes. He glances at the clock.
9:04 am
He looks over to see that his bed is empty. He grabs his phone. His phone to see if Jimin texted him. Nothing. He deicides to text him and see where he is.

Yoongi: Didn't you fall asleep in here last night?
Jimin: yea
Yoongi: Okay. Where did you go?
Jimin: Why you wanna know?
Yoongi: No reason. I just didn't know if you were down stairs.
Jimin: nah. I'm in my cabin. About to take a shower. I'll come back up when I'm done
Yoongi: okay

Yoongi laid his phone down on his side table. He walked over to his computer and turned it on. The picture of a girl and Yoongi that Jimin noticed the 1st day, is still pulled up on the computer. Yoongi looks at the picture, sadness contained in his eyes. He scrolled through his gallery on his computer even though he has seen every one of the pictures a thousand times. Everyone of the pictures having him and the same girl in it. His attention was taken away when he heard his front door shut. He walked down stairs to see his mom walking into the living room.
    "Good morning, honey." Yuna said.
   "Morning mom. Have you seen Jimin?" Yoongi asked.
   "Nope. Maybe in his cabin."
   "Okay." Yoongi looked at his kitchen doorway when he heard the back door open and close.
   "Speak of the devil." Yuna chuckled.
   "Hey." Jimin said out of breath. He ran from the front door to his cabin, hoped in the shower, jumped out, get dressed, hide Yoongi's present and ran back in the time that it took Yoongi to walk downstairs and ask Yuna where he was.
   Yoongi motioned for Jimin to come upstairs. Jimin obeyed and ran up the stairs into Yoongi's room.
   "Never heard of a towel? You're dripping all over my carpet. Here." Yoongi threw Jimin a clean towel that he had sitting on his bed.
   "Being wet is more fun." Jimin turned red as his mind went to a dirty place.
   "Didn't think you were into that kinda stuff." Yoongi chuckled.
   "Nope. Not for me." Jimin replied. He sat down in Yoongi's desk chair.
   "So. Happy birthday." Jimin said to Yoongi trying to break the silence.
   "You don't have to do that." Yoongi replied.
   "Do what?"
   "Awkwardly talk about my birthday. It's just another day." Yoongi sat down on his bed. Jimin stood up and walked over to Yoongi. He placed his hands on Yoongi's shoulders.
   "Never ever in your life say that. Your birthday is so important. It was the day that this amazing mint green haired person was born. It would suck if that didn't happen. The world would just be a terrible place. It isn't just another day and I will awkwardly talk about it if I please." Jimin said. A smile crept onto Yoongi's face along with a light blush.
   "Are you hungry? Why don't we run down stairs and make some breakfast?" Jimin asked. Yoongi nodded and they went downstairs.
   "Yoongi, why don't you and Jimin go out for breakfast today?" Yuna suggested as the boys made their way down stairs.
"Okay. Where are the car keys?" Yoongi asked, not seeing them on the hook where they usually are.
"On the box on the kitchen table."
Yoongi walked into the kitchen and saw a small box with his name on it. He picked it up and read the card.
"Happy birthday" he read to himself. He open the box and saw keys. Car keys.
"Happy birthday, sweetie." Yuna said.
"It's yours. " Yoongi wrapped his arms around Yuna's neck.
"Alright. You two go get something to eat." Yuna reached into her bag and gave Yoongi $50. Yoongi took the money and he and Jimin the diner for breakfast.
Later that day
"Yoongi." Jimin peaked his head through Yoongi's bedroom door.
"Come on in Jimin."
"Um... Could you... Come here for a minute." Jimin said shyly. As he stepped into the room. Yoongi looked at him puzzled. Jimin was holding his hands behind his back.
"What's wrong Jimin? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I just..." Jimin pulled a very expensive camera from behind his back.
"I remember that you told me you like to take pictures. Sorry if you don't li-"
"Jimin shut up." Yoongi walked up and kissed Jimin. He pushed his lips into his just like he's wanted to do for a month. He couldn't help himself. He need to kiss him. Jimin moved his lips against Yoongi's. He tingled from his head to his toe to the very tips of his fingers. Yoongi unconnected their lips and just looked at Jimin. He knew what he did was terrible. He just didn't care. He needed it. Jimin was speechless he turned and walked away. Down the stairs, through the living room, through the kitchen, out of the house, to his cabin, into the bathroom. He had tears streaming down his face. He looked at himself in the mirror.
Yoongi stomped out of his bedroom into his bathroom. He was so pissed at himself. How could he ruin a perfect moment with a gorgeous boy. He looked at himself in the mirror.
"My name is Min Yoongi. I am 18 years old and I do not like Park Jimin. I love him.
"My name is Park Jimin. I will be 18 years old in 7 months and I do not like Min Yoongi.

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