Chapter 4

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Jimin woke up the next morning to the sound of the alarm clock next the the bed. He reached over and shut it off. Before he had time to get out of bed, Yoongi knocked on the cabin door.
"Jimin, breakfast." He said poking his head through the door. Jimin nodded, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He winched at the pain that filled the area around his left eye, which was now blackened from Jungkook's punch, 2 days before. Yoongi stood in the doorway, waiting for Jimin to walk with him. Jimin got up and walked to the house with Yoongi.
   "So are you ready for school today?" Yoongi asked, trying to make  conversation with Jimin. Jimin was nervous about going to school. He was always okay in school. Teachers always said that he has a lot of potential but he never really believed them. He always hated changing foster homes because he usually had to change schools and it was very annoying.
"Jimin. Can you come here please?" Mrs. Min called. He walked into the living room and sat down on the chair across from her.
"How was your night? Did you like the cabin?"
"It was nice. I really liked it." Jimin was confused as to why she was just asking him these questions. Was she just making small talk?
"Fantastic. I'm glad you like it." It was silent for a moment. Mrs. Min was trying not to scare Jimin off by being too forward, but something needed to be said.
   "Jimin, I know that you aren't technically my son, but while you live under my room and on my property, I'm gonna treat you like it. I have a feeling that you aren't going to cause me any trouble and as long as you do just that, I will protect you as much as I can." As Mrs. Min said these words, Jimin began to feel a sense of safety. Like he could really trust this woman. He felt a sinking feeling in his heart as he remembered what he thought of Yoongi when they 1st saw each other. How he called Yoongi a very beautiful boy. Jimin smiled at Mrs. Min.
    "I believe you. Thank you for allowing me to stay in your home." Jimin got up and went to get ready for school.
Jimin was a little intimidated by the crowed he was met with when he walked into the cafeteria of his high school. He followed Yoongi just like he told Jimin in the car. The 2 boys made their way to the courtyard and started walking to where Yoongi and his friends usually sat. Jimin stopped. A certain boy caught his eye. He turned and started walking towards the boy. Jimin was flushed with memories from a couple years ago. Jimin embraced the boy once he reached him. He did care who saw. He didn't care that Yoongi was yelling for him to comeback as he followed Jimin.
"Tae..." Jimin whispered. Jimin felt Taehyung's arms wrap tighter around him.
"Please let this be real. This has to be real." Taehyung pleaded. Jimin released him and assured him that he was real. By this time, Yoongi is standing awkwardly near the boys waiting for Jimin to notice his presence.
"I'm sorry. Yoongi this is my best friend Taehyung. We knew each other 3 years ago but were separated." Jimin put his arm around Taehyung's shoulder.
"Tae, this is my friend Yoongi." Jimin leaned in and whispered, "I'll explain more later." into Taehyung's ear.
Yoongi smiled at Taehyung but he did not return the favor.
"Tae, please be nice." Jimin pleaded wanting his old and new friends to get along. Taehyung sighed and grabbed Jimin's face, examining his eye.
"When and why?" Taehyung asked.
"2 days ago. Ex-foster brother was told I hit his mom. I didn't."
"Of course you didn't. My little Jiminie would never. If I found out you did, I will kill you myself." Taehyung and Jimin laughed. Yoongi walked over and placed his hand on the small of Jimin's back to get his attention.
"I'm gonna go over to my friends. I'll see you after school." Yoongi whispered into Jimin's ear. His hot breath causing Jimin's ear and neck to tingle. He closed his eyes and replied "okay."
When Yoongi walked away Taehyung and Jimin started chatting and catching up. The bell rang for everyone to go to class. Jimin was completely lost. Taehyung showed Jimin to his first class then went to his own.
"So what's the story with you and Taehyung?" Yoongi asked as he and Jimin sat on his bedroom floor, munching on chips and just talking about everything.
"Well, we were in the same foster home when we were 14. We were the only boys in a house of 10 people so we were kinda forced to become friends. We lived in that house for a year. It was a nice house. The woman we lived with said that she even might adopt us. Well one Saturday, Taehyung and I heard screaming and shots down stairs. Our foster mom's ex husband busted in the house and shot everyone downstairs. Tae, me, and one other girl survived. The crazy ex husband held the girl at gun point until Tae hit him in the back of the head with a glass soda bottle. We called the cops and he was taken away. Tae and I had to be sent to new homes and that's when we got separated. It was the worst day of my life." Jimin explained. He looked up at Yoongi who was staring at him with sympathetic eyes.
"I'm sorry Jimin." Yoongi wrapped his arm around Jimin to comfort him. Jimin immediately felt very awkward. He met Yoongi one day ago and he was already putting his arm around him and comforting him. Jimin pushed the thought to the back of his mind and continued to talk with Yoongi.

Awe...Tae Tae and Jimin ^.^

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