Chapter 18

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Jin: How is he?
Yoongi: The same.
Jin: How are you?
Yoongi: Jin my boyfriend is in a coma... How do you think I am?
Jin: I'm coming to you.
Yoongi: You don't even know where I am.
Jin: I'll just call your mom.
Yoongi: You act like my mom...
Jin: It's my job.
Yoongi: sure...

Yoongi locked his phone and slid it back into his pocket. He sighed and looked up at Jimin. The repetitive beeping of the monitor was slowly driving Yoongi insane but he didn't mind hearing it. It reassures him that Jimin's heart is beating. He glanced over at Yuna who was sleeping in the chair across the room. Yoongi got up and shook his mother awake.
"Come on. I'm taking you home. He said turning around to grabbing her purse.
"No I'm okay." She said sitting up.
"No, go home. I need to change anyways. I've been in these jeans for 4 days." Yoongi said grabbing his mother's hand. Yuna nodded and stood up. She walked with her son out to the car. She was quiet as Yoongi drove.
"Mom you okay?" Yoongi asked glancing over at her.
"Yea I'm okay. I'm just worried about you. Your best friend is in the hospital possibly dying and I know it's hard, but he'll get better." She said looking over at Yoongi.
"Hopefully." Yoongi said staring at the road. His mind was in a million places. He was worried about his mom, Jimin, what he is going to do, and a thousand more things. He pulled into the driveway and walked in the house with his mom. He sat his keys on the hook at walked his mom upstairs to her room.
"Get some sleep. I love you." Yoongi said helping his mother into bed. He kissed her forehead and walked into his room to change. He sat down on his bed and sighed. He was so tired and wanted nothing more than to lay down on his bed and never get back up but he knew he had to get back to Jimin soon so he could be there when Jin shows up. He reached over and picked up Jimin's sweatshirt that laid on his bed. He held the hoodie up to his face and took in the smell that he desired. The smell that reminded him of every time that he held Jimin, every kiss, ever soft touch, every beautiful smile. Yoongi cried as memories of Jimin ran through his head. He wiped his tears and laid the hoodie back on his bed. He walked out of his room to take a very quick shower. When he came back he got dressed and slipped Jimin hoodie over his head. He stood in the middle of his room, preparing himself to see Jimin again then walked downstairs, out of his house, and into his car.
Yoongi walked into the hospital room and looked at the pale Jimin laying in the bed. He walked over and touched his cold hand. He listened to the repetitive beep of the heart monitor and closed his eyes. He didn't see Jin and Namjoon sitting across the room. Jin stood up, walked over, and placed his hands on Yoongi's shoulders. He stood quietly next to his friends, not knowing what to say.
"Yoongi..." Namjoon said standing up.
"I'm okay, Joonie." He said looking over at his friends. "Really. I'm kinda getting over the initial shock of it all."
"You look like you haven't had a good meal in days. Here. I made you some soup." Jin said handing Yoongi a covered container and a plastic spoon. Yoongi smiled and accepted the soup.
"Thank you Jin." Yoongi said. It was quiet for a few minutes.
"Hey Yoongs," Namjoon said breaking the silence, "how about me and you go and hit up the ice cream parlor downtown?" Namjoon offered to get Yoongi out of the room.
"Namjoon I can't. I have to stay with Jimin. He needs me." Yoongi said without hesitation.
"It's okay Yoongi. I'll watch over him." Jin said. Yoongi thought for a minutes and sighed.
"Okay fine. But you have to call me the second something happens, if something happens." Yoongi said. Jin nodded and wrapped his arms around Yoongi. Yoongi hugged Jin back and Namjoon gave Jin a kiss goodbye, then the two boys walked out of the room. Jin walked over and sat down next to Jimin's bed.
"I'm so sorry about all of this Jimin. I miss you. You were the best thing that ever happened to Yoongi and I hate seeing him this way." Jin sat quietly, hoping for a response he knew he wasn't going to get.
"I know that you probably can't hear me." Jin said quietly. "But I'm going to talk to you anyways. I'm going to tell you a story. I've only ever told one person this story but, I don't know, I feel like you need it. So my 10th grade year, I dated Hoseok. He was amazing and sweet and sexy and wonderful, at first. But then, he got possessive. I wasn't allowed to talk to barely anyone, he would get angry when I had to leave his house to go home, but I thought I loved him, so I stayed with him." Jin let out a sigh. "Well one day we had a fight. He didn't like me talking to my friends and so he became enraged when I told him that I met Namjoon. Not only did I make a new friend, it was a boy, and he's attractive. So we argued, and argued and argued, for 3 days. On the last day I went over to him house when his parents were gone. I wanted to make things right but I ended up pissing him off when he took my phone while I was in the bathroom, and he saw how flirty Namjoon and I were being. I didn't mean to be flirty with him but he made me feel better after what was happening with Hoseok. So Hoseok threw my phone down and started hitting things. He punched me in the eye in the process of his temper tantrum. He didn't even care either. I picked up my stuff and tried to leave but he grabbed my arm and shoved me into a lamp accidentally. It broke and left a gash in my chest. I got up and ran away. Namjoon took me to the hospital." Jin was quiet for a while. He picked up his phone to text Namjoon.

Jin: Kim Namjoon I love you so much. I miss you and I want you to know that I'm yours forever. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You saved me after I couldn't even save myself. Promise me that you'll always love me...
Namjoon: Oh my god Seokjin I love you so much. Of course I promise. Me and you forever and ever babe<3

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