Chapter 10

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"So what are you guys doing after school?" Namjoon asked Yoongi and Jimin.
"Sitting by myself in my room. Like I've done all week." Yoongi replied. He glanced over at Jimin who was looking down at his hands. Jimin couldn't help but feel guilty. He loves Yoongi and he is the reason that he is unhappy. Taehyung grabbed Jimin's arm but Jimin snatched it away. He grabbed his books and walked away. Taehyung got up and ran after him.
"Jimin stop." Taehyung grabbed Jimin's shoulder so he couldn't keep walking.
"No Taehyung. Stop. This is all because of you. Yoongi and I are broken up because of a fight that you caused. I know that you think you know what's best for me but it seems that you only focus on yourself." Jimin snapped. He knew that Taehyung was right to an extent. Being with Yoongi was dangerous but it was also the best 2 weeks that Jimin ever experienced. He was finally happy, after all the shit that he has had to go through in his life, he finally found someone that actually he actually cares about and that actually cares about him.
"Jimin I'm trying to protect you." Taehyung pleaded.
"No Tae. You wanted me to break things off with Yoongi because you were afraid that someone would find out and that I would be sent away again and I would leave you. I don't doubt that you cared a little bit about my fragile heart but you mainly wanted to hurt me to benefit you. So you talked to Hoseok, who just so happens to be a sex driven dog, and you 'persuaded' him into letting you use his phone to text me, purposely starting a fight between me and Yoongi. But you see, the entire 2 weeks planting the idea in my head, to break up with Yoongi because it was 'too risky'. So I'm happy that you go what you wanted at the expense of my happiness. But unfortunately you were right it was risky. But Yoongi is worth the risk." Jimin turned around to walk away but was met by Yoongi standing right behind him. Jimin's face turned a deep red as he walked past him. He did not want Yoongi hearing that. He thought of what Yoongi would say.
"Jimin." Namjoon said catching up to him. "Are you alright? You look pale."
   "No I'm not. I'm gonna go home can you let Yoongi know?" Jimin asked. Namjoon nodded and walked to go tell Yoongi. Jimin pulled out his phone, dialed Yuna's number and told her that he's sick and needs to go home.
   "Okay well I'll call the school and sign you and Yoongi out. He can just drive you home. Okay? See you when you get home." Yuna said then hung up. Jimin sighed and walked to Yoongi.
   "Yuna is signing us out now." He said. Yoongi looked down at the floor and nodded.
   "Okay..." Jimin turned on his heel and walked away.

Tae: Can we please talk without you yelling at me?
Jimin: Tae, what you did was kinda fucked up...
Tae: Ik and I want to apologize. Do you think I can come over later
Jimin: I'll ask Yuna.

Jimin locked his phone and put it away. He grabbed his books and walked to his locker
   The car ride home was very quiet and very awkward. The silence was deafening. When they arrived back at their house they both didn't say a word to the other. Jimin walked in the house and straight to his cabin. Yoongi walked straight up to his room. On his way to the cabin, Jimin passed Yuna in the garden.
   "Yuna, can my friend come over later?" Jimin asked
   "Sure if you're feeling up to it." She replied. Jimin nodded his head and walked to the cabin. He texted Taehyung Yuna's answer.
Taehyung at in Jimin's cabin staring at a spot on the wall. Jimin was getting tired of the awkward silence.
   "You wanted to talk. So talk." Jimin said irritated.
   "Jimin, I didn't mean to make you unhappy. I just wanted you to think smart. I wanted you to see that you don't need Yoongi and that you would be fine just being his foster brother."
   "Well look what that did." Jimin replied.
   "Jimin I'm sorry.  I was a little selfish when I basically forced you two to break up. I wanted you to stay and not move and I knew that if you were with Yoongi that you were at risk of moving." Jimin let out a deep sigh.
   "I know your sorry Tae. I'm just angry because I made him unhappy and it kills me to see him like that. He is breaking my heart Tae." Jimin curled his knees up to his chest and buried his face in them. Taehyung put his hand on Jimin's shoulder to comfort him.
   Yoongi laid in his bed thinking about what he heard Jimin say in the cafeteria. He played the words over and over in his head.
   "Yoongi is worth the risk."
He knew that Jimin liked him before but after the break up. He didn't know. He felt so bad for accusing Jimin of doing something with Hoseok now that he knew that it was just Taehyung. Just thinking of his name made Yoongi angry. He claimed to be Jimin's best friend but tried to break him and Yoongi up when they were happy. But it doesn't matter anyways. Yoongi had to think of a way to convince Jimin that they should be together. Yoongi began to ponder ideas.

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