Chapter 16

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"Yoongi. Wake up." Jimin whispered. He got no response from the boy sleeping in his bed. Jimin bent down and kissed Yoongi. Before he could pull away Yoongi tangled his fingers in Jimin's hair to pull him closer. Yoongi sat up but didn't disconnect his and Jimin's lips. Eventually he pulled away, even though he didn't want to.
"I love you, Park Jimin."
"I love you too, Min Yoongi. Always." Yoongi stood up and walked with Jimin into the kitchen.
"Good morning babies." Yuna said sitting to the table drinking a cup of coffee.
"Morning mom."
"Morning Yuna." Jimin walked over to the fridge. He poured 2 glasses of orange juice and handed one to Yoongi.
"So why don't you two head out and do something today." Yuna suggested. "Maybe go out to lunch. Walk around for a bit. You know. But you better be back by 3:00."
"Okay mom. We will." Yoongi turned to look at the clock to see that it's already noon and that he and Jimin only had 3 hours to hang out.
"I'm gonna go get dressed." Jimin said to Yoongi
"I think I left my phone in your room." Yoongi said. Jimin nodded and walked back out to his cabin followed by Yoongi. When they entered Yoongi turned Jimin around to face him.
"Jimin will you go on a date with me? Please." Jimin face turned red. "Please Jimin. I'll beg if I must."
"No that won't be necessary. Of course I'll go on a date with you."
"Good. We're leaving in 30 minutes." Yoongi said jumping and turning to walk towards the door.
"You're an idiot." Jimin said chuckling. He turned and walked toward his bathroom to take a shower. When he got out, he got dressed and walked to the living room.
"Ready?" Yoongi asked standing up from the couch.
"Yep." Yoongi leaned forward to kiss his boyfriend but Jimin backed away before he could.
"Yoongi!" Jimin whisper shouted "Yuna's here." Yoongi pouted for a second. Jimin looked towards the stairs and the kitchen to see if she is anywhere in sight. She isn't. Jimin leaned forward and quickly pecked Yoongi's lips. Yoongi smiled then walked out the front door with Jimin following.
"So..." Yoongi said awkwardly.
"So..." Jimin said back. He didn't know why he was so nervous. He's talked to Yoongi hundreds of times. Maybe because this is an official date. Maybe because they always talked in a private place and they were currently sitting in the back booth of a public diner. Yoongi smiled and started to laugh. Jimin tried not to but could keep himself from laughing. Soon both boys were laughing uncontrollably. They began getting getting weird stares from the other people sitting the diner. After a minute they calmed back down. Yoongi reached across the table and interlocked his fingers in Jimin's.
"I'm really glad that you're coming tonight."
"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Jimin smiled at Yoongi, who didn't smile in return.
"Yoongs, what's wrong?" Jimin asked. Yoongi just shook his head. Jimin squeezed Yoongi's hand. "Please tell me." Jimin pleaded. Yoongi sighed.
"I've just got a bad feeling about tonight. I feel like something is going to happen."
"You have nothing to be afraid of." Jimin smiled even though he was a little worried himself. He didn't want something to go wrong and Yoongi to become unhappy.
It became quiet again. Yoongi has a problem with over analyzing things, which is exactly what he was doing. He went through scenarios in his head about what Jimin was thinking. He convinced himself that Jimin wasn't having any fun. He was scared that he wasn't making Jimin happy like he deserves to be. Yoongi has realized that for the past 4 months, more in the past 2 months, all that he's been worried about is making Jimin happy. He's done everything in his power to give Jimin the world. He hated the idea of Jimin being unhappy. After Yoongi and Jimin got done eating they went out for ice cream and took a walk.
"Yoongi I'm really glad that we're taking this risk. I know that nothing can hurt me if you're around." Jimin said grabbing Yoongi's hand. "You are honestly worth it." Yoongi blushed and smiled.
"I don't know what I would do without you. I promise Jimin. I'll always keep you safe." Yoongi said interlocking is fingers into Jimin's. The two boys walked back to Yoongis car and went home.
Jimin sat quietly in his seat of the auditorium at his school, waiting for the graduation to begin. He is so proud of Yoongi, proud of his behavior, proud of his accomplishments, proud of him all together. Jimin was a little surprised when Taehyung sat next to him. Taehyung told Jimin earlier that month that he wasn't going to the graduation. Jimin decided to just leave it alone. He and Taehyung were finally on good terms after what happened with the text messages.
"Surprised to see me?" Taehyung asked Jimin, breaking the silence that would be extremely awkward if they weren't sitting in a noisy auditorium.
"A little. I just kinda guessed that your here for Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi." Jimin said deciding not to be a smart ass.
"Yes but no."
"What?" Jimin asked with a puzzled expression.
"I am here for them but not only them." He looked away from Jimin, know that he was about to start an argument.
"Then who else are you here for?"
"My boyfriend."
"Who is?"
"Hoseok." Jimin said nothing. He was at a great loss for words. He was shocked that Taehyung would go out with Hoseok, knowing what he did to Jin's emotional state.
"I swear Jimin, he's changed." Taehyung pleaded, looking back up at Jimin, knowing that his friend is mad.
"Whatever. It's your personal life. Not my business." Taehyung looked away from Jimin again. He was angry that he told Jimin like that. He just wants Jimin to be happy for him, but understandably, he isn't really. Jimin kept his eyes on the stage when the music started to play for the graduates to come out. One by one they started to come out to receive their diploma in alphabetical order. He didn't really pay attention to the names until it got to the letter 'K'.
"Kim Namjoon." Jimin's eyes followed as Namjoon walked across the stage.
"Kim Seokjin." Jimin smiled as his eyes caught Jin's for a split second. He waited another few minutes until it finally got to the letter 'M'. He waited in anticipation to hear Yoongi's name.
"Min Yoongi." Jimin discreetly blew Yoongi a kiss as their eyes met. When Yoongi walked behind the curtain Jimin turned to Yuna, who was sitting next to him, and told her that he was walking to get water. Jimin walked out of the auditorium down the hallway into the cafeteria to grab a bottle of water. Jimin's hands got sweaty and heart started racing when he heard a voice behind him that was way too familiar. A voice that Jimin dreamed he would never have to hear again.
"Mom where's Jimin?" Yoongi asked a little disappointed that Jimin didn't stay until the end.
"I don't know. He said he's going to get water but that was after you got your diploma. I haven't seen him since."
Yoongi walked out of the auditorium and into the cafeteria only to find that is was empty. His heart beat began to pick up. He ran down the halls of the school, looking in every door to see if he could find Jimin. 5 minutes go by and he still hasn't found him. Yoongi calls Jimin over and over and over but no response. He runs back into the almost empty auditorium and told his mother what's going on. They go and find the police officers that are stationed outside the school to tell them of their problem. Yoongi goes into the bathroom to try and calm himself down. He was shaking with fear of what could have happened. He drank some water but it didn't help. Jimin would just walk off without saying something to him. Yoongi's imagination began to run wild. Different scenarios began playing in his head and he couldn't make them stop. His hands were sweaty and he was on the verge of tears. He walked back out into the hallway to help look. They all searched the interior of the school but he was nowhere to be found. The officers and Yoongi began searching the exterior. As Yoongi rounded the corner of the back of the school, he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. There he was, his beautiful, wonderful, amazing boyfriend lying on the ground next to a dumpster not moving. His face bloody from obviously being beaten to a pulp. Yoongi ran over to Jimin and started screaming for help. He cried and screamed and cried. He felt so stupid. He failed to keep The person he cared the most about safe. All he could think about was the promise he had broken...


It's sad...Ik... Please just wait...

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