Chapter 13

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"Fight it, Shyla!" Levi shouted, pulling and pulling against his restraints. "You've gotta fight it, Shy!"

Everything hurt externally, but I was numb on the inside. The whip cracked and Levi cried out at the pain.

"Get up, you worthless thing." The trainer hissed in my ear. I was laying on my side on the cold ground, my body telling me to give up. There was blood trailing on the ground past my line of sight and I didn't know if it was coming from me or him.

"If you don't stand right now, you will be killed."

"Shyla, please!" Levi told me. "You can do it! You just have to get up!"

The echoing sound of a door closing could be heard.

"Shy? Shyla, we're alone." Levi's voice had calmed a little. "Please, baby. Just turn to me, okay? Just turn over so you can— That's it! That's it, Shy!" He tried to cheer me on as I forced myself to turn over and face him.

My vision was blurry at first but once my eyes focused, I could see Levi, chained to the wall about forty feet from me.

"I'm right here, Shy. Please, just stand up. I know you're in pain but you can't leave me, Shyla!" He was crying.

"Levi." I panted out, forcing my hands to shakily lift my torso up off the ground. "There's blood. I-I don't– Are you okay?"

"Yes, Shy, I'm perfectly fine. You're just-You're bleeding a lot." I could hear him choke on a quiet sob.

"I'm okay." I shook my head, pushing myself to my feet once more. But once I was standing, I found myself stumbling towards Levi, needing some source of support. I fell just three feet short of getting to him and my limbs begged for relief, my chest begged for air. Breathing almost wasn't an option.

"Just a few more feet, Shy. Come on." Levi kept trying to pull his chains. I could hear him struggling, but it was too late.

Hands were grabbing my arms and legs and pulling me back, away from Levi.

"Levi, no!" I tried to stop the people but I was too weak to use magic and too weak to fight back much.

I kicked my arms and legs but nothing could stop the strong hands manhandling me.

"Shyla!" Someone was pulling my arms, shaking me.

"Stop! No! No!" I screamed, swinging my arms and doing my damnedest to get myself free.

"Shy, it's me!" Clint's voice spoke. "Open your eyes and look at me."

I opened my eyes and ceased all my movements. I was facing Clint, who had my wrists in his hands. He looked confused, concerned, and tired.

As I continued to breathe heavy, Clint let my hands go. He tried to slip his hand into mine and lace our fingers together, but I pulled my hand away, scooting back until I hit the headboard of the bed. Then I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them. I was sweating but I was frozen, and my whole body was trembling.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"Why are you in here?" I spoke into my knees, my eyes staying on the bed.

"You.... You said you slept better when I was with you. So I figured...." Clint trailed off.

"I don't want you sleeping in the same room as me because of this."

"Shy, it's—,"

"Clint. Please." I cut him off as my voice cracked. "Just leave."

The door to my bedroom opened as I spoke.

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