Chapter 37

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"You can't just meditate the entire time we're here, Shyla."

Natasha stood in the doorway of my room, still trying to get me to go join everyone in the giant pool out back.

"I can, and I will."

"Just one time, Shy." She sat down heavily on my bed, purposefully trying to knock me over. "Come on. You could use some sun. You're pale enough to be a ghost."

I opened my eyes and met her gaze, letting out a soft sigh.

"I don't want to."

"Then just come sit with us. It's team bonding time. You're a part of the team whether you like it or not, Shyla. And you need to quit pushing all of us away, even Levi."

I let her words sink in as she stood up and made her way for the door.

"There's a suit for you in my room when you decide to come down." Natasha stopped in the doorway and turned back to me. "And just between me and you, Clint would kill to see you in a bikini."

"I don't even look good in them." I muttered as I twisted a ring on my finger.

"Don't lie like that. The tattoos make you look bad ass."

She left me to my own thoughts, and I was thankful for that. Seconds turned to fifteen minutes as I brushed my fingers through Ember's fur, thinking about Natasha's words.


I put on a little zip-up jacket and then made my way down to the pool.

"Look who it is!" Tony exclaimed as I pulled the sliding door shut.

"Shut up." I muttered, holding my arms around my torso as I made my way to an empty seat beside Wanda.

"Come on in with us, Shyla!" Levi called from the pool. Clint made his way out of the pool and I only gave him a little smile. He sat down on the edge of the lounge chair I was in.

"Take off the jacket, Shy. It's nice out." He took my ankles and bent my legs so he could be closer to me. "You look fine, if that's what you're worried about."

"Thats not it." I shook my head gently, looking down to the ring on his hand. "More.... More scars can be seen when I don't have anything covering my shoulders."

"No one will say anything about them." He murmured gently, leaning in to press a kiss to my nose. "We've all got them."

I sighed out and pulled off the jacket.

"Thank you. Now." Clint stood up and suddenly hoisted me up on to his shoulder.

"Clint! I don't find you funny!" I hit his back as he started to take me towards the pool. "Clint! Let me go!"

"Throw her in, Barton!"

"Hold your breath, baby." Clint leaped off the side of the pool and into the water. I was suddenly surrounded by the freezing cold water and I could feel him right next to me. I broke the surface and splashed water on to him.

"I hate you." I brushed my hair back out of my eyes and swam for the ladder.

"Don't get out already, Shyla." Clint took ahold of my hips and began to pull me back.

I gave in and sighed out heavily. He pulled me over to one of the corners of the pool and held me against his body with one arm while the other arm held on to the side of the pool.

"I was thinking tonight, if you're ready at least, you could show me that dream of yours." He spoke quietly so only I could hear him. My eyes lifted up to meet his and I licked my lips.

"If you're ready." I nodded my head.

"Are you?" His nose brushed along my jaw.

"Yeah." I turned my head and met his lips, bringing one hand up to cup his jaw. Water splashed us, causing me to look over my shoulder. It had been Tony pushing Steve into the pool.

"Not funny, Stark." Steve grumbled as he came to the surface.


Dinner rolled around and we had some Italian dish that was more than amazing. Then night came and I went to bed early with Clint.

"Don't rock the bed too much, guys."

"Shut up, Stark." I muttered over my shoulder while Clint snickered.


"So how is this going to go?" Clint asked as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Just don't think about it." I pulled off the large t-shirt I wore to cover up my bathing suit that I still wore and then moved to change. "Lay back on the bed."

"This feels awkward already." Clint chuckled a little nervously as he did what I told him to. I changed out of the bathing suit and into a pair of shorts and a loose fitting cropped tee. With the snap of my fingers, a few of the candles around the room lit up. "What are those for?"

"To help with my abilities. Be quiet."

I sat down on the edge of the bed next to Clint's head and placed my fingertips at his temples. I watched his facial expressions as I showed him my dream. His brows would furrow together and his lips would part but he never spoke. My silvery magic returned to my palms after a few minutes and the dream came to an end. Clint's blue eyes opened, almost immediately meeting mine.

"They were gorgeous." He spoke softly, bringing his hand up to brush over my cheek. I leaned into his touch, sadly smiling at his words.

"They were." I agreed. "But it won't.... it won't get to happen in real life, Clint. You do know that, right?"

He nodded his head, eyes closing as he more to place his head in my lap.

"Your magic is.... something else." Clint brought our hands together, palms pressing to each other while our fingers intertwined.

"That's a good thing, right?"

"Yeah. That's a good thing."

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<3 Kacey <3

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