Chapter 20

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Part 1

I cried out as he twisted my arm behind my back and kicked my feet out from under me. As I hit the concrete ground, his booted foot came up to rest between my shoulders and the barrel of the gun was pressed to my head.

The Soldier pulled the trigger and even though I knew the barrel was empty, my heart was still racing. A few seconds passed before his foot was removed and he let my arm go.

"You're still doubting your strength." He said, pulling me to my feet by my arm.

"You're still trying to kill me." I mumbled, pushing him away. "I've done fine with our training. We don't need to do this every day."

"They both want you to train more. They see you fighting me and they see you losing in four seconds. They don't like that."

"You have a good sixty pounds and however many years on me. That's a lot of experience."

"That's why you learn now. Back to your starting spot." The Soldier ordered.

I nodded my head lightly and followed his lead.

"Don't hold back when you throw your punches. You can't hurt me so don't be afraid to. Being afraid makes you mess up, messing up gets you killed."

"Why don't you go easy on me?" I asked. "It's not fair that you don't."

"Do you know of anyone who is fair to you here?" When I didn't say anything, he continued to speak. "And I do take it easy on you. I just have more strength than you so it's a little harder to control. Now stop talking and fight me."


I listened as the Soldier spoke to the other agents in Russian, getting information from them about our mission. My Russian still wasn't the greatest, but I was trying to learn.

The agents that the Soldier spoke to did their best not to talk to me. I saw it in the way they moved and acted around me. After reading their minds, it became clear to me that they didn't like that I was powerful and they were scared of what I was capable of. They feared the Winter Soldier too, but in a different way. They had also worked with him before so they were used to him.

I messed with the uncomfortably tight leather pants I was forced to wear, wishing I could wear something more free flowing instead of something that squeeze my everything. This was my first mission with the Soldier, so I was kind of nervous.

It took him a while to actually talk to me, but he eventually got comfortable enough to talk to me a little after almost three months of training day after day.

"Vexx." The Soldier called for me. "We need to be leaving."

"Why?" I asked as I got down from the back of the truck, where I should've been keeping watch but really, I hadn't been.

"Don't ask questions." One of the HYDRA agents said as I passed him. I fell into step beside the Soldier, glancing over my shoulder to watch the HYDRA agents get into the truck and take off, disappearing into the night.

"Where are they going?"

"They're going ahead to scout the town."

"How are we going to get there?" I crinkled my brows together.

"By foot." The Soldier picked up his large duffle bag and started for the edge of the woods.

"Why are we splitting up? I've never done this before. There's always—,"

"You talk too much." He said over his shoulder as I followed behind him, trying to keep up with his long strides. "That's why your handler is always disciplining you. You don't know when to shut up and do what you're told."

"I won't let them turn me into a slave." I mumbled. "I won't let them change me."

"How do you know if they haven't already?"

I locked my jaw and did my best to keep up with him.

Silence fell between us for a while, but the steady sound of thunder rumbling in the distance could be heard. I carried a backpack with supplies and he carried a duffle bag that weighed probably as much as me. It held weapons in it, guns, knives, and maybe even grenades. I didn't know exactly what though. I never used weapons, except one gun that I carried on me.

As I went to step over a fallen log, the weight of the backpack shifted and somehow pulled me down to the ground.

"Shit." I cursed, pushing the straps off my shoulders.

"You need to work on your balance." The Soldier said as he put his duffle bag down and moved to help me.

"I'm fine." I muttered, pushing his hand away.

"Didn't ask if you were."

I was pulled to my feet and then to backpack was shoved into my chest a little roughly.

"I'm suppose to be training you. You've learned nothing in the past twelve weeks." He yanked his duffle bag up and started walking again. I could feel someone wet start to hit my face and skin as I glanced up at the sky. It was raining.

"I've learned how to fight better." I tried to peak around his shoulder to get a look of his face, but his shoulder length hair fell into his face. The rain was coming down as heavy drops now, soaking my silver hair.

"You only fight at least half way decent when we're training. But it's like once you see your handler, you forget everything."

My steps started to slow down and I watched as he started to walk away. But the Soldier must've heard me stop because he turned and looked to me. I shook my head, not at anything in particular, and put the backpack down, then I leaned against the trunk of a tree.

"Vexx, we've got to meet with—,"

"I haven't been beaten since we started working together as partners." I admitted quietly. "Hell, the worst I've been put through is fighting you, and you aren't bad compared to Pierre."

The Soldier cocked his head to the side, a little confused about my words, before he looked out into the dark woods.

"We can get out of HYDRA, Soldier. Jesus, I hate calling you that cause that's not even a freaking name." I brushed my hair back and sighed out. "We can get out. You and me can get out and then we can go back and get my friend, Levi, out and—,"

"We have to go." He turned and left without another word.

What the hell was he doing?

I figured he didn't want to talk about trying to escape, so I followed him.


Two days later, after we finished the mission, I found out why he had left me so suddenly in the woods when I brought up escaping. He had been ordered to tell his handler if I mentioned escaping.

I was whipped on the back for the whole escape thing, which wasn't terrible. I could put up with it. Sure, it burnt like hell and made me want to strangle people, but I could deal with it.

"Why would you tell them?" I asked the Soldier, drawing my brows together at him.

"I had to." He replied with a straight face.

"You had to." I repeated quietly, looking to Pierce.

"He's not your friend, Shyla. You should learn that quickly." He advised.

"Oh I think I have." I nodded my head, moving pass them.

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<3 Kacey <3

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