Chapter 15

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Shyla's P.O.V.

The sound of an alarm going off scared the hell out of me. A bright light was flashing along with the alarm. I quickly sat up and lit the candles around my room. Clint was still sound asleep in the bed.

"Clint! Wake up!" I shook his shoulder.

"What?" He grunted, reaching over to the stand on his side of the bed to get something. As he sat up, he noticed the alarm going off. "Shit. This is why I don't take my hearing aid out."

Clint got out of bed and groggily pulled on a shirt.

"Where are you going?" I asked, throwing the blankets off of me as I stood up too.

"That annoying thing tells me that I've gotta go to work." Clint sighed out.

With my powers, I turned off the alarm and made the light stop flashing. I followed Clint out of my room, curious to see what kind of mission they were doing this time.


We went to the meeting floor, where the team already was. The alarm was going off still and since no one else showed any signs of turning it off, I did with the snap of my fingers.

"I hate these days." Pietro muttered under his breath as Clint and I passed him.

"Me too, kid." Clint patted his shoulder, then took a seat at an empty chair. As I was pulling out the chair by him, Clint pulled me down into his lap.

"HYDRA's at it again." Tony yawned out as he pressed a button on the remote in his hand. It was probably five in the morning and everyone was in their pajamas.

"They attacked Lindisfarne Castle in England and apparently have taken the people touring the castle as hostages." Tony finally managed to click the right button and a picture of the beautiful castle appeared.

"Why would HYDRA be taking hostages instead of leaving with them?" Natasha asked with crinkled brows. "That doesn't sound like them at all."

"It doesn't, but that's what we have to figure out." Steve told her.

"The jet's all fired up and ready. We've got a four hour flight so we can sleep on the way over." Tony announced.

"Not entirely true." Steve said as he stood up, along with almost everyone else. "We'll talk about it briefly on the way over there and then discuss further plans once we touch down in England. Let's get moving, guys."

"Is Shyla going with us?" Wanda asked, pointing to me while she looked to Steve.

"I don't know." Steve turned to me. "Are you?"

I shook my head, bringing one hand up to my lips.

"Good." Clint rubbed my side, lips pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek. "Gotta go get ready, sweetheart."

I nodded my head and followed him, silently holding his hand as he led me through the Tower. I sat on the edge of his bed while he got changed in the bathroom.

When he came out, I looked over his attire. He wore a sleeveless top, which I immediately frowned at.

"I hope you're choosing to wear a jacket or something."

"What?" His brows drew together as he looked down at what he wore. "What's wrong with this?"

"Your arms could get hurt." I stood up and moved to feather my fingertips from the wrist of one arm up to his shoulder.

"You wear heels and crop tops, Shyla." He chuckled a little. "I think I'll be okay."

"I've been doing this a lot longer than you."

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