Chapter 28

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I felt someone slip their arms underneath me and then lift me up from the floor of the jet. My eyes opened to see it was Clint. After I refused to do whatever breathing exercises the doctor wanted me to do, I stayed awake until Tony and the twins arrived in Paris. Once I was on the jet, I slept on the floor and allowed Wanda to read my mind. Now, Clint was carrying me.

"I can walk, you know." I told him, rubbing my eyes sleepily. I was exhausted and my chest ached.

"I got you." He said. I closed my eyes again and waited until we got to my room and he put me down on my bed. "Do you need anything?"

I shook my head, watching Ember as she jumped up into bed beside me. She wasn't exactly tiny, but she wasn't big either. I liked it like that. Reaching out with one hand, I rubbed between her ears and listened to her purr. I needed to heal myself. That's what I had to do to ensure that everything would be okay. I sat up and started towards the edge of the bed.

"Shyla, where are you going?" Clint moved with me but I shook my head, ignoring his attempt to help me.

"I'm fine." I gritted my teeth together when I moved the wrong way and my right side screamed out in pain.

"Why are you being like this?" Clint finally forced his help upon me and wrapped an arm around my waist to help me up from the bed.

"I need two white candles and rue and carnation incense." I mumbled under my breath as I moved towards my closet. Clint stayed right by my side, never letting me go the entire way.

"What for?"

"A spell."

"You aren't strong enough for one, Shy." He said.

"Stay." I managed to push him away from me when we got to my closet. I could walk just fine. It was just difficult to breath.

Opening the door to the closet, I found the items I needed and moved back out to my room. The two candles were placed on the dresser and I put the carnation and rue incense in two different bowls.

"Shit." I cursed, realizing I never really had a need for matches since I could create fire with my magic. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and lit the candles and the incense. My knees kind of buckled but I caught myself on the edge of the dresser.


"If you aren't going to be quiet, get out!" I yelled to Clint. "I have to do this. I have to."

I needed to be at my optimal as soon as possible.

"By Earth and Water,
And and By Air—,"

I gripped the dresser tighter as I felt the energy being pulled from me. However, I took a deep breath and forced myself to stand straight up and finish.

"May you hear this wish,
Sources of light and life,
Sources of the day and of the Earth,
I evoke you here,
Heal my mind and body."

I held my right hand just a few inches in front of my chest, weak wisps of dark gray magic rolling around my palm. With the last word rolling off my tongue, my palm came into contact with my chest.

Warmth radiated through my body but so did a searing pain. Clint's arms were around me in a split second and I collapsed into his arms.

"It's okay." I told him, my voice just barely reaching a whisper. "I'm okay."

"You need to quit with whatever the hell you think you're doing, Shyla." Clint picked me up bridal style and laid me down on the bed. This time, he pulled the blankets over me. "You need to not push me away. You're being distant and hardheaded."

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