Chapter 3

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"You two are fighting in that?" Tony looked over mine and Levi's choice of clothing. I was wearing a short black skirt, a gray sweater that hung off my shoulders, and a pair of chunky heeled ankle booties, not to mention all of my jewelry. Levi wore jeans, a t-shirt, and his leather jacket.

"We don't do suits." Levi shook his head.

"And I don't do much physical stuff." I added. "It's just not my thing."

We were meeting up at a location about a mile out from the facility. The entire Avengers were there, with the exception of Banner. I don't know where he was but I really wasn't too interested either.

"We'll be splitting up." Steve informed us but before he could get too much in, I spoke.

"If we split up, they can catch us easier before we get in."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't create illusions for every single camera at every entrance. I can only do two tops without any possibilities of faults. Once we get in, we can split up. That would be best."

"Why don't we just take out the cameras?" Pietro asked.

"They'd send someone our way to check the cameras." Natasha shook her head.

"Okay. Then we'll go with Shyla's plan. Stark will keep an eye out outside with Vision. Wanda and Shyla can get to the main control room. The rest of us will split and search for the file once we're inside."

"I wasn't informed of this being a retrieval mission." Levi said, looking over to me questioningly. I shook my head lightly. I wasn't aware of this either. 

"It's personal."

"Yeah, well our lives are on the line for this." I told Steve. His jaw locked for a moment before he nodded. "What kind of file?"

"I'm looking for files on the Winter Soldier."

I straightened my posture at the mention of him. A wave of fear washed over me. I hadn't heard his name in years. That was what this was about? This was why I was here?

"Are you guys hunting him down?" Levi asked, shifting in his spot. His eyes flickered over to me very briefly to check my reaction but I was frozen in place, my eyes locked on Captain America.

"Not in the way you're thinking." Natasha shook her head. "It's a long story and I'll tell you two later. But we need to move."

"I'm going to have to stay outside in order to be my strongest." Levi said. "I'm more of an outdoorsy guy anyways."

"Understood." Steve nodded his head, then looked to me. "You good, Shyla?"

"Fine." I answered flatly.

"God. You two are leading the way, so start moving."

My fingers found Levi's and I squeezed them tightly for a moment before letting go and making my way through the woods.

Now that I knew the purpose of this mission, a few things changed. What did they want with information on the Soldier? Nothing good ever came from him. 


As we got to the large, electric-barb wired fence, I spotted the cameras and started to concentrate on keeping the illusion that there was no one trying to get in. Wanda used her powers, which were similar to mine in the way they came out, and lifted the bottom of the fence up so the Avengers could climb underneath it. Her powers came out in red wisps whereas mine were gray.

"Yours look cool." I complimented her.

"Thanks." She gave me a smile before motioning for me to go under the fence next. I did so and she followed behind me, letting the fence down and putting it back into place. A trio of agents rounded the corner and I outwardly sighed. "I got it." Wanda told me quietly, lifting her hands up to the agents. "Everyone, keep moving but stay quiet."

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