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If you must know this story is real. It happens. So here is my story with a twist.


I sat there thinking why i ever tried so hard. Why i ever bother with him, or why he made me feel the way i did. I sat there trying to take it apart in my head peice by peice, but still couldnt find an answer. I've been sitting in the same spot, with the same situation for the past 11 years. But i dont want to start with it right off the bat, ill tell you what happened when we were young.


He played football with my brother, and i cheered for them. I remember thinking he was cute, we were only 7 and 8 when we first met. It was after practice, and i was getting ready to leave.

"Acosta!" he called out. Its normal for football players to call you by your last name, its easier for them that way. But i had no idea who this person was to even know me.

I turned back, "Yea?"

He tossed me a wrist band, "Give this to your brother." he turned and left. When i got back to Aaron (my brother) i asked who it was that gave the wrist band to me.

"His names Paul, everyone calls him Pauly, he's coaches son."

"Oh." was all i could say. And that's how i first met him.


When my mom started to like him it was when he made a smart ass comment to her.

"I can beat your ass boy." my mom laughed

"No you can't." he laughed at her, And in a quick flash they were wrestling to the floor. He held his own for a min, or 2, till my mom, had him pinned to the floor sitting on him.

"Oh really i cant?" She laughed

"I... cant ...Breath." he exaggerated.

That's when my mom started having a soft spot for him.


It wasn't till later on in the season did i start talking to him. Our families were becoming close, and we went to dinner together. It was late November, early December, towards the end of the season. It was freezing at the park. I was setting up a chair and blanket for my mom but she hadn't come out yet so i decided to use it. It was funny because the rest of my team, was mad at me because i was warm.

I just happened to turn and see Paul walking to his practice. I couldnt help myself, "Pauly," he turned and nodded in understanding "Pauly want a cracker?" i laughed messing with him is fun.

He smiled "Nah Pauly want a freank blanket." He turned back again and kept walking.

"Pauly?" i called again.

He turned, and i opened my arms with the blanket, this was my way of giving the blanket. He laughed and dropped his bags running over to me, and cuddling up on the chair. "Thanks"

"Your welcome," i smiled back, but when we looked at everyone else they were mad. He got some blanket but not them .


Play offs, was the toughest. But to make it better, my dad held a pool party at our house. That day i hadn't seen, or talked to Paul at all. I mean he was there, he just hadnt talked to me when the team is there. I understood.

I had just sat down to eat when...

"Hey D" i looked up seeing Paul sit across from me, plate in hand.

"Hey," i smiled, he always did do that to me.

"Haven't talked to you all day, and after this i think im leaving." His smirk, was 1 in a million.

"Oh." *how stupid was I, just to say oh*

"Yup," he smiled trying to make the moment light.

"Well, i mean you could always spend the night..." I suggested.

His face light up, "thanks" he said and took off.

That night he spent the night, but since at the time me and my brother shared a room, i had to sleep in my parents room, while both my brother, and Paul slept in my room.

In the morning i had to get my clothes, and i swear to you no one will ever look so peaceful, as they look when they are a sleep. I knelt down to get my cloths, and heard him stir. I paused and looked up, his eyes were open slightly and looking at my in confusion.

"Go back to sleep," i whispered and left. My heart was racing a mile a min. I think thats the time i started to fall for him.


So tell me what you think i wanna know.


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