2 Carnival part 3 That night

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I went to my room and layed there on my bed thinking what the Hell i had just done, i let him kiss me again, and i didnt care. There was no guilt i felt, i knew my nody wanted more, and i knew i had been want this for a while. I had finale got him to kiss me after all these years. Thank God. But i had to remember i had a boyfriend! I mean really what kind of person am i to be making-out *so to speak* with some other guy. What am i! Sheeesh =(

Im not sure how it started but i remember part of the conversation i had with him that night.


Him: it takes two to do do what we did D, you kissed back, i didnt do all the work.

me: i'm not saying i dont take responsibility, paul i noe what i did, and im not saying i regret it either, i just dont noe wat to do now

him: Well i dont know either

me:...Why now?

him:You asked that already

me:I know but really i mean y now? I'v known you for years, and nothing happened before, but now?

him: like i said iv always kind of liked you, just never told you before.

me: your bsing

him: fine then dont believe me but i know what i know

This made me so fustrated, and mind you when i get pist, i dont think before i act, i just do.

me: well i mean how i am i to believe you when all these years i've known you which is what 11? i'v known you as the player, the guy that gets with a girl then dumps them. I mean what did you really expect.

him: I guess the truth has to come out sometime. Atleast i know now rather later.

If he were standing right in front of me i would have melted like icecream on a hot day. Even tho we were texting i could hear the tone in his voice. It was struck with hurt, and shock. But i mean i was thinking i just said what was on my mind, and this is what happens. Man im a failure.

We stopped texting after that and in the moring i texted him saying how sorry i was, but he never seemed to truly get how sorry i was. He didnt want to talk about it anymore he said, and that was the last text he sent me that day, the last time he would show me a thought of how he cared. and it was my fault.


Yea i noe short sorry, Thanks Vote, coment i want to know if it drags or sucks, or its good lol

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