2 Carnival

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I had my friend Jackie come over for the first im, it was this past May the 19th 20th and 21st of 2011

Jackie and i were  getting ready, when i was textn Paul.

Him: what are you doing right now?

Me: getting ready y?

him: ready for what?

me: carnival at St. Ben, i would invite you, but last time you said you didn't want to go, cuz the last one sucked.

him: well if what you said was an invite, i'll go.

me: really? you sure?

him; yup, i'll c you later.

me: k

He didnt text back after that. I asked my friend Jackie to text him for me so that i would noe when he arrived, i didn't have my phone on me because i only live a few blocks over, plus my battery was dieing. She agreed and we went to the carnival. 

When we arrived i met my friend Erick, Chris, and his new girlfriend. We hung out for about an hourbefore she got a text that Paul was there. 

"Where?" i perked up a smile touched my face.

"I don't know," she said "he said he was here tho."

We were next to the beer garden when i turned and saw him walking over to us. He was wearing jeans a long sleeve and a red hat. I could literally feel myself get warm from my head to my toes. My knees were weak, i held Jackie for a quick min. And at the pit of my stomach i felt the need to run to him ^would i be, or look to despret to him?^ i thought to myself. As he got closer i started to walk to him. 

When we finally reached each other, i hugged him, holding him tight, hope he didnt notice.^ He smelt funny, i didn't care he was here thats what mattered. He laughed and hugged me back,

"Hey crazy" i said 

"Hey loca" same nickname i had for him. 

he let me go, i introduced him to my friend Jackie, they said hi, and we kept walking around. Till almost an hour later Jackie wasn't feeling to good.

"Wanna go back?" I asked, her face was clammy.

"Yea please." her voice was weak.

I looked at Paul, "You up for going back to my place?" 

He laughed, the pun was not intended. "Sure, im ok with that." And so we did, we walked back to my place, Jackie hanging on to me.

When we did finally get to my house, Jackie went strait to my room to change. I sat in the living room with Paul. I turned the Tv on looking for something to watch, he sat on one sofa i sat on the other. He's so cute i wish he was sitting with me =(

Suddenly a soft cushion hit the side of my face. "oouf" was my reaction. and i looked at Paul to see him laughing at me. I grabbed the pillow and hurled it at him again, this time i covered my self withanother pillow. Suddenly arms were around me, and i giggled knowing they were his. He tickled me till i was laying sideways, flat on my back, my whole body coverd the pillow. He had pinned my arms so they were slightly above my head, laying fully on top of me, hi knee in between my legs. He tryed hard not to put his full weight on me, but to be honest i really wouldn't have cared. He had tried to tickle me with his 5 o-clock shadow, by rubbing his face in my neck. But when he stopped, he ended looking me strait in the face, our noises touched. It took me about a minuet to proses the situation i was in.

A) paul had my arms pinned above me

B) I'm sprawled out on the sofa with him on top of me.

C) our body's were close, so much i could feel the heat radiating off him from his cloths.

D) his face was so close to mine, inches, no 1 inch from mine

     _Is this normal?

It was that small silence of, waiting, the moment where you are waiting for a rejection, but i didn'tgive one, and he didn't back down. And in the same moment we both leaned forward, as our lips met. 

Soft, smooth and warm. At first it was what one might call a lip lock. we stayed in that one kiss, whatfelt like an hour, was probably more like a min. He still had me pinned, i didn't try to move, so caught up in the moment. My body tingled, and grew warm. I didn't know what i had expected before, or even thought it would be like. 

He pulled away, and i mentaly whimpered. He came back down and kissed me again. But it wasnt like the first kiss he gave me, it was a lingering peck kiss. You know like kiss, hold 1,2,3 pull back slightly, peck again, and repeat. This happened for what may have been 10 min, before we thought my door opened, and he pulled away. Suddenly getting up, and walking to the other sofa, looking at his phone. 

Buzzzzzzzzzzzzz KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a shock to my body. He had just kissed me......OMG PAUL JUST KISSED ME!!! I knew i had a shock expression on my face, but i looked away quickly before he could see me. I got up in a irritated huff, and went to check on Jackie. My body was shacking, from what?, till this very day i still have no clue. 

Was i over anilaizing this? yes i had to be. But still OMG PAUL JUST KISSED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Shit oh Shit, oh shit! Did i forget to mention at this time i had a boy friend, who i had been with for almost 6 months.  SHIT!!!!


Call me what you want, like i said im a sucker for Paul

Tell me what you think Plz 

Love D *Me

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