2 Carnival part 3 Sunday

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Im so sorry to all of you people iv been really busy with finals, homwork, etc. no time to write. But here goes .



I had taken the who Saturday to myself. I was confused, worried, shocked the works. Paul kissed me, I had a boyfriend, and to my vision, life as i knew it was coming apart.

*What am i ganna do??!!* i kept asking myself. Not only had i cheated, and not told my boyfriend, but i was thinking of Paul. 


He had spent the night i was a 8th grader, 14 i think, and he had just jumped out of our shower

^knock knock^ "Hurry up i have to pee!" i screamed. Mind you i was doing the pody dance.

he opens the door he stood all of 5 '9 wet dark brown spiky hair, bare chest light layer of water, from the shower lingering on his 6 pack of tan abbs. He wore a pair of my brothers boxers, and green shorts. How do i know they were my brothers? Cuz at the time i always did my bobros cloths, and because i could see them from the top of the shorts elastic line. Yes i took in as much as i could.

"Im out, im out, dont yell." he smirked, his cocky grin. I swear sometimes he did things like this on purpose. He rubbed the towel in his hair still.

I reached out my left hand wait for the towel. His eye brow lifted a lil, and he smiled his cocky grin again. He handed it over, "You know i rubbed my balls on that, so don't go sniffing it." he chuckled.

*Dick* i thought "Haha, no. I'm putting it in the back with all the other dirty towels." i said a lil pist.

"Mhmm," was all he answered.


Damn i was falling hard, and fast. I had been layn on my bed, i had just finished cleaning, when my mom texted me.

Mom: is Paul coming?

Me: no clue y?

Mom: We have food tickets. Tell him we'll feed him. See if he comes.

Me: fine.

I texted him right after.

Me: Hey crazy, mom wants to noe if ur coming to the carnival, She says "We'll feed you."

Him: haha yea in a few, busy right now. 

Me:K cool.

It wasn't till around 8 o'clock did he show up. i was walking with my ^sister^ best friend. When i happened turn around and there he was. He wore a blue LA hat, white round neck t-shirt, black jacket, light jeans, and white shoes. He was cute. *sigh*

"Hey," he greeted, hugging in the process. 

"Hi." i smiled, my insides turning to jello. "Oh here, as promised." i handed over the food tickets.

we went with my ^sister and boyfriend and walked around

"Lets get on something." i suggested, 

"sure like what?" she bonced around.

I pointed to the glass fun house and we went in. I spared tickets for paul and my sister. We walked carfuly, but she did walk carfull enough and ran into a glass, me and paul laughed, we finaly made it toward the exit, when i stumbled. ^Hey im not a cluts but i was wearing my boots, and the floor was uneven^

Before i could eat shit, a pair of arms caught me, held me firm. Paul was presses against me, not so much intirly, but enough as to, i could almost feel everyline of him. I put an arm on his and another on the railing, as we walked up the stairs to the second floor. As soon as we were through, he loosened up so his hands just linger on my hips.

I remember think, *Am i dreaming, i better not*

we played in the mirrors for a few, befor we went donw the tiny slide they had there to exit out of the Fun house.

"Wanna go back to my house, im getting cold." I said, was totaly true, i swear. 

"Sure," he shrugged nonchalant. 

We walked back to the beerboth where both my mom, and dad we'r working. 

"Hey pualy!" my mom said, Then im not sure how but she had us take a picture. Dear God by lord i swear to you, i look like poop compard to him. He should have taken a pic with some super model.

But yup, so after we went back to my place. He stayed for a little while, and watched Tales of a black......*i forgot the tittle* he sat a cross on the other sofa from me. Then suddeny it started all over again. A pillow was tossed, and a blanket, and more pillows. He ended up on top of me again. 

this time he was kneeling on his right leg that was in between my legs on the sofa, on arm suported his weight, the other cupping the left side of my  face. his kisses where light quick/lingering pecks. Its hard to describe. He kissed my mouth, my chin, down my neck, along my colar bone, then back up again to do the cycle all over again. Till finaly the 3rd time he did it, he went lower pulling my shirt-sweater down, tingled every where his lips had touched. I slowly opened my legs allowing him to get a better fit between them, having him closer, as i started to hitch my left leg up. He let go of the hand that had been braceing him because his wieght was now on me, and to be honest i didnt care. Not till he kissed down between my clevage, when i the little voice in  my head broke threw.

*Stop it! Stop him! it yelled. Why now! Ask him!

It was like a jelt of cold, no ice cold water. Why now was right. My hands had been around his neck, tugging his hair.i pulled him back to look at him, His eyes, filled with haze.

"Why now?" i asked, as he looked up at me. i had just noticed he was kneeling on the floor, but the upper part of his body was on mine. He shuged at my question. I shock my head and asked again. "Why now? I want to know."

He strained out a bit, his body still on mine. "Maybe because I'v always had a thing for you, i'v just never told you."

I staired him in the face, my most seriouse expression i have ever givin. "B-S" i said. 

He staitened up all the way, a qurious expression on his face. 

"Your lieing," i said, a mix between a question and statmenet. 

He shrugged, "I know what i know, you know what you think you know." (

It took me by surprise. But I still didnt believe him, and what he said hurt a little. I dont realy remeber what happened exactly after that, i think we just sat on the sofa cuddled and watched TV till he had to leave. 

I was calm and collective when he was with me but once he left and i closed the doors, i started to panick. It was the second time i had cheated on him, and i didnt stop it untile, it was about to escalade. What was wrong with me i mean really what type of person cheats on their boyfriends twice and not say anything? 

Me i guess. 


Sorry if it seems short.

Let me know if im a hoe lol comment Vote 

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