Im Done with trying.

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Hey people Im sorry that i havent uploaded anything, or posted updates. And to tell you the truth, this might be the last chapter to this book. Well be to be 100 % sure it the second last chapter to my story. So here it goes.


Thats it Iv had it from him! Im Done!!! 

Not Corrected!

people told me to give up and im on the verge of giving up, this year may just be the last time i ever talk to paul! its been a month since iv talk to him. He didnt even text me on my birthday yesterday. I guess i shouldnt really care, when did he before? Never. 

I sit here and wonder what he does.....i know i shouldnt. 

But i finale had the last straw with him. 

Me: Hey i have a quick question for u. (11:20pm)

Me: Well actually, to be correct its 2, and after that i swear im out. *mind u when i say this he knows i mean leaving him alone* (11:35pm)

Him: wats up? (2:30 am)

lets just say i asked him, my question and that was Monday, I have not talk to him since, and mind you it was only 7 texts.  I am so pist off with him, its not even funny.

And i already noe my next move, is i am going to text him on x-mas, and new years see what happens. But im sure he wouldnt care, i mean i hardly noe who he is any more so.....

Till next time people.


If you want to read another story of My life, dealing with a new guy, Look for "Is it him? Plz let it be him." A new guy and me. 


Vote, let me Know how it is

Sorry its so short. Strait to the point, cuz im pist..

Oh yea i noe the pic of us looks really bad sorry.

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