Ur not dead? Damn....

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Ahaha!!! i was laughing my ass off i was texting my friend Erick.

Me: Ahh i hate this xbox

him: haha you dont know how to hook up and xbox. AhHAHAHAHA!

me: Shut it, im just not use to...AAHH it's ALIVE!

him: Congrates you past the first grade HAHA

I was about to text him when suddenly i get a text.


Wait Yay Paul Sierra texted me... but when i looked again it didnt have Sierra as the last name, but just a plain Paul.

.......oh shit......

My heart did a 180, almost if i had been schocked by lightning, i know for a fact it skipped a beat. I took a min to collect myself. 

1. Paul had just texted me what was i going to do...

2. Should i, or shouldnt i text him? 

The answer to that..................................................Yes.

Me: .....wow your alive???

him: yeup im breathing

me: Thats a shock, thought u died

*Which was partly true i had started to give up on him, then suddenly he texts me. Hell no is he going to get off easliy*

him: no you didnt

*He could read me like a book*

me:.....u don't noe

him: then tell me

me: Y? Y should i? it wouldn't matter.

him: hmm... then dont tell me, i'm sorry but im just too good at disappearing its my lifestyle

me:Sure your a master mind, whopde freackn do. Next time u disappear remember there are people who care Paul.

*I was so pist at this point, i tryed not to let it show but it came out.

him:u really missed me that much?


him: wow lol

me: Y r u laughing?

him: Cuz your like "Sure your a master mind, whopde freackn do. Next time u disappear remember            there are people who care Paul."

me:..........Alright fine i missed u

him: hmm, ok

me:? waow ur so confusing

him: I know

me: Uv changed

him: No i haven't, i missed you 2

*As he said that i started to soften. my heart throbed in my chest, ready to jump out.*

me: U seem like you have, hmm, so Mr. impossible how have u been?

him: i've been tired lol you?

me: Busy, Park, School, the norm i guess

him: So i called.

me: No u didnt

him: Call me right now plz

I was surprised first he texts me, and when i looked at my phone again there was a miss call by him. I got the butterflies again. 

me: alright hold on,

I dont know why i sent him that, because it was a lie, i was just sitting there on my bed. So for a second i had a thought just as if i were him. I waited a few mins to call him. 

It was funny when i called him, he sounded sick, but  it was more like him being tired. The whole time i was on the phone with him my heart was pounding in my chest.  We didnt talk about anything special, he only asked how i was, and been, i asked the same. we got in to a little argument, to be correct it was a playfight. And do you know what his responce was, 

him: i like making you mad, its entertaining. *he continued to laugh on the phone with me. 

me: well hahaha, im glade i can make you laugh *i said sarcaticly

But i was glade i could make him laugh, im always glade i could make him laugh, him laughing made me laugh.

When i got off the phone with him, i texted him 10 mins later, 

me: It was nice talking and hearing your voice again.

him: Diddo =)

I mean seriously what am i supose to do seriously. I mean aahhhh He's just so....Ahhhh you get the point. 

Like i said before im a sucker for him, and i think he knows it.


Its the good part, let me know what you think. Comment, Vote

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