I thought i could handle it but i really cant....

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I thought i could handle it, but it turns out i really cant. 

Every time i hear his name i get butterflies, just thinking of him my tummy turns. UHH how i hate him!!! Why does he do this to me??? Why?? So i didnt give up, It must have been two weeks ago, that i texted  him, I cant really rememeber what were texting, but what i do remember talking about is him being MIA, and he said he would stop missing out, but as we all know thats a bunch of poop. Then 

Me: I hate you being MIA

Him: well sorry, D its just that im busy with work, and my Girlfriend.

Me: oh.....haha thats understandable

I was struck, He Has A Girlfriend! AHHHH!!!! But at the same time, it was ok, 1 becasue i should have known this by now. I knew somewhere that he could, or did have a girlfriend, i mean look at him, hes cute, and at the same time a women stealer, and sweet talker. 

Lets just say i had a pit in my tummy, and i dont know how to get rid of it. 

I can say i miss him, but then again, i can say its for the best. 

Fuck Paul, i miss him, but then dont.


Please look at my external Link to the right of the page under the pic. Thank you everyone for reading, idk if im done writting this, but you never know

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