1 Carnival

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2 years back I was getting ready for the St. Benedict Carnival. My parents work the beer both every year, and i love to go, because its my old school. I got ready with my norm, did my hair, makeup, got dressed, wearing tights, and a long shirt that barly covered my butt, but thats what the tights were for, i wore my Uggs as well. 

I'd been textn Paul the whole time.

Me: really?

Him: yeup lol

me: oh...hey wat you doing, or will be doing....say....the next hour or so??

him: nothing y?

me: theres a carnival here at St. ben down the street from my house wanna go?

him: sure but wont get there till hmm 7 or 8

me: thats fine its barly like 6

him: well then, see you later.

He stoped texting after that. 

About an hour later he got to St.Ben. my heart stopped for a brief moment....I'm a sucker for him. 

~ We walked to my house so i could change my shoes, and we were laughing as we went along. We kept elbowing each other, he slightly pushed me, as i tryed to push back. We reached my steps and he laughed. 

"What?" i asked giving him my once over, hes so cute. He did my favorite laugh, its when he lowers his head chuckels picks his head up slightly again, and gives me a side look. Whenever he does this my insides turn to jello. *sigh*

"Nothin" he answers.

We walk into the house and i go and get my stuff. My shoes, a new sweater.I go to the livingroom, where he is, and start packing my stuff. I notice as i bend i catch him stairing at my butt. 

"You know you dont have to stair." I say and turn back to him. He looks away and grabes my sisters doodle pad. 

"Sorry its just there, and its big, its not like i mean to." he says drawing on the doodle pad. I sit there watching him *Im sure he doesnt mean it* i thought to myself Sarcasticly.

"What are you drawing?" i asked getting closer, he turned the doodle pad up a lil so i couldnt see, and a second later he showed me.

"Look its you." he laughed, it was a horrible stick figure with 2 bubbles for boobs, and a hug bubble for what i think was a butt.

"Paul!" i yelled jumping him trying to get the pad. He held tight to the drawing, and pulled it away from me. "Give it to me Paul." I demanded.

"No no no," he said teasing, I glared at him, he laughed more. "hey back up or imma tell your mom you were trying to make out with me, here on the sofa." He laughed more. I froze, if he told my mom that im sure she would believe him. so i said she would do the opposite of what i was thinking. 

"She wouldnt believe you." i said glaring at him mad i was losing to him.

"Fine i'll say you were harasing me." He gave me a seriouse look.

I busted up laughing, "She definitly wouldnt believe you."


We went back to the carnival and walked around. 

I don't remember exactly how it started but we argued  over a stupid reason. And i remember his exact words till this day.

"Theres a difference D, I know when to mess with a girl, and when to really be with her. I thought you of all people would know that D." 

I looked at him with pained eyes. Yes i should know the difference but i mean really? What did he expect, withevery thing i'v seen him do i would think he just uses all the girls he's been with. But what he said struck a heart string of mine. I wanted to cry because at the time he was right i should have know. He's been my friend for 8 years (at the time) i should know.


So what do you think of it so far.. Should i stop??? Really i want to know.

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