It begins

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"I sat there thinking why i ever tried so hard. Why i ever bother with him, or why he made  me feel the way i did. I sat there trying to take it apart in my head piece by piece, but still couldn't find an answer."

The way i feel for him, is something different then what i feel for anyone else. He makes my stomach turn, knotes, and all. It hurts every time i see him, like a pull at my heart. When i see him, i get weak kneed, i cant help but fall for him. Till this day that is how i feel. Its a jolt to my heart to see him. Pathetic i know.


Im sitting here thinking what i can tell you, and i have nothing. Oh wait... Got it. 

Going back in time again. 

For years my parents have always made fun of me liking Paul. He knew i liked him since we were kids, but never did anything. I mean our family's were so close he could practicaly be my brother. But he's not, thank god, It would be weird.

I had no clue what i was getting myself into.


4 years ago, was when it started to become different. A new season started and he was coaching and so was i. But that still didnt bother me. After i would coach my games i would water girl for his. On the side lines i would do my thing and he would do his. He would mess with me and i would counter back.

"Hey water girl can i get water?" he would laugh

I looked at him and laughed "Uh no, ask nice." 

"Please water girl." his wannabe puppy dog eye.

I laughed again, "I have a name dork."

He sighed, "Please D?" giving up. 

I handed him the bottle and just as he was about to drink...

I would sqeeze the bottle making the water rush up hitting him in the face. I would laugh, and the faces he made...ooooooo....priceless.

Another time he kept elbowing me, and i would do the same back, but jerk, it was like tring to push a brick wall. He never buged! It was a failed attempt. 


One game i felt overly confident, in my appearence, and adittude. I was with someone at the time, so behaving my self was a givin. I wore black short shorts that said cheer on my butt, and a black t-shirt, with tennies. My hair was strait, and pulled back. I felt good. I went to the park, coached, and sold tickets, mind you i hadnt seen him all day.

Suddenly I hear a deep voice call my name "D!" I turn to look and see Paul stang with a long sleve, and dark jeans. I walked over giving him hug. But this hug was different, see it wasn't our normal quick around the waist hug, or the one arm hug. No, it was arms around the neck, arms around the hips/waist hug. I leaned into him as he pulled me close.

"Hey crazy." i laughed messing with him.

"Hey loca." he held me for what seemed like 5 mins, was only a few seconds. But he didnt let go, still holding my tight against him, I pulled my head back, looking him in the face. My Body tingled, and my heart raced being so close to him, I couldnt help smile the whole time. He knew i liked him now, he didnt want to let me go, just held me there.

"So how'v you been?" i saked, tilting my head a lil, hopefully i say teasing.

"Im good, busy, busy, busy. You?" Sorta swaying side to side.

"Im ok," i would laugh, "mmm" i took in how long he was holding me, "Hmm i have to go, cuz im selling tickets, but later we'll talk k?" 

He let me go said good bye and walked away. I didnt talk to him later, i was way to busy.

I had brought a friend to the park with me, i wanted her to see everyone I talked to her about while in school. To me that was a mistake. As soon as we got tho the park, she was all over the guys, "oh, hes cute." and what not. The worst when she saw Paul, "Omg, he's cute,"

"Thats Paul," we walked over to his team, and stop a few feet from him. "Pauly!" i called out. 

My friend was busy tring to fix herself. He looked over and smiled, i smiled back, im telling you no matter what he does, if im mad at him, if he smiles i have to smile right back. He came over still looking at me. "Hey D," he said giving me a big bear hug.

"Hey crazy." I laughed, he looked at me then my friend, who had stopped fidgeting. "this is my friend Deana.'' he out streached his hand and shook hers. 

"hi," he said then looked back at me as i stole the ball he had. "aww come on D," he half heart laughed. 

i smiled and went a lil ways from where he was and threw the ball back to him. He caught it with ease. "You cant throw D." I over dramatised my shock expression.

"I can so!" As i caught his ball. He was partly right though, the way i threw was off, the ball went crocket all the time. I launched it back at him, only for him to laugh again. "yea yea, throw the ball again," I yelled to him. He winked at me and continued throwing. The look on my friends face was funny, she looked pissed and bored, a wonder full combination.


Telll me what you think dont just sit there and read. =)


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