1 Carnival Part 2

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It was the 20th that same weekend, but Sunday. He had been texting me, and told me he was coming again. 

I dont remember exactly how it happened but i remember him telling me good bye. I was mad, furious, because i hadn't spent enough time with him, then i wish i could have and he was becoming bored and thats the reason as to why he wanted to leave. He did end up leaving but he still texted me.

Him: Hey sorry i was just bored

Me : Its fine whateve. *i was walking on the back side of the school going home.*

Him: yea im at the bus sttop

me: ok...whateve

Him: you made?

Me: no y?

Him: yea you are

Me: Yea well idk

Him: Where you at?

me: just leaving the school, y?

him: im sorta hungry, are you?

me: i guess y?

Him: want to get something to eat with me?

me: thought you were at the bus...

him: nah im walking back to you now.

I fummed as i sat on the curb waiting for him. 

Him: where you at?

me: on the curb in the back of the school, just outside the parking lot.

suddenly i hear him "Well didn't you look like a loner."

"Im not." I countered

"Sure...come on, we're going to Rios pizza."

He pushed and shoved me, as i did back to him, as we walked to Rios. Long story short i was in a good mood after, when we reached the pizza place, i was still in a good mod, that is until his dad showed up, gave me a ride to my house. They both dropped me off. And that night before i went to bed i got a text from him

Him:Had a good time

me: same here, night crazy

him: night loca


WHAT THE F&*K AM I DOING? I think im going crazy. I know i am. Like i said i let him get to me, Even tho pple tell me i shouldnt. *Sigh* like i said It's A One Sided Love Story.

Tell me what you think I really want to know Plz...

Thank you for reading =)

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