His Girlfriends

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To the right of this screen is a real pic of us. I'm not lieing this is how we look. the other pics in the beging of the story are just character, i have used to play us. I will continue using thos character, i just tryed to get people that were, somewhat similare to us. Sorry about the confusion.


The first time i remember his dad saying "Yea Paul, he's doing good, he's actually dating someone right now." it killed me. But that was just one of the many heartbreaks i had.

Everytime i talked with him, he had a new girlfriend. Mind you i was talking to him twice a week. One week it would be a blonde the next a brunett, then it was as bad as every  two day someone new. And thats how i was getting to know him. Every other day, or every week, or every month it was someone new with him.

Everytime i heard a different name, i tried to ignore him.

"Yea she's cool, i like her." he'd say

"Thats what you said bout the last one," i'd say. He would look at me confused.

I would blew him off, "hey you ok?" he asked 

"yea fine." and we would leave it as that.


One day about 3 years ago i remember we went to BJ's pizza here in montebello, when my dad invited Paul and his dad to eat with us. He sat across from me, he wore plain dark v-neck with dark jeans.  He looked cute.

"Hey crazy." I said, smiling

He looked up, and gave me a half hearted smile......Weird......

He didnt talk after that, well not till mom started to ask question after we were done eating that is.

"So Paul, who you with now these days?"

He look up from his phone, "just some girl." he said, his dad laughed.

"Just some girl?" his dad said. "More like a girl whos 20, and your 17." he said Paul didnt even look at me when i looked at him. I got off the table and walked away, not wanting to hear what else they had to say. 

We were at Johns incrediable pizza, i felt pretty that day. I had just sat down when he was getting there , with a bimbow hanging on his arm. She wasnt cute, different then his normal hot girls. I sighed and look away. She was cozing on him. Blah

I didnt talk to him at all that time.

But the next time we went back she wasnt there. Thank god.

I actually was myself, which i felt very naked without my makeup on. We walked in, and the first person i see was him. he had a hat on was all i could remember. The whole time i was there, i didnt talk to him till after we were leaving. 

He came up behind me hugging me, the baby was in my arms aswell. He was tickling the baby while still huging me, when he stopped he held me, gave me a small peck on the check. "Bye D" he said, leaving.  stil had butterflies the rest of the day, and a bugging rege to text him.  But i didn't..

I've always known Paul to be the player, The one whos dates girls them uses them and throws them away like paper. But if thats the case what does that leave me as?

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