I didnt know.......

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I find it funny how you don't know how much u care about someone till they are gone. Till you shove them out of your lives, or they shove you out of thier lives. You see who they are from when your young, growing up with them, thinking they are different.........but they are all the same in the end......

Guys usually want 1 thing.....this guy in particular......I thought he was different.....i thought he was smart.......again he proved me wrong...

I have to be honest though, be honest with myself and everyone reading this. I miss him. Its been 2 years since I have talk to him. Once in a while ill get a thought of him. Wonder how hes doing but thats it.

I wish him the best, I hope he is happy in what hes doing. be as it may. this is the last chapter.

Thank you everyone for reading. Thank you all for being here.

This is the end.

But dont forget im writting a new story.

should be coming out soon. 

"He is my all."

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