SHES F&@% PREGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey everyone, Sorry i noe what i said but hey things change, and well it gets worse from here on out. 

Do you really want to know the truth? the whole truth?? 

Alright well here it is, She's PREGOS!!! He Got a girl Pregnant. OH i was livited, i found out May 19 2011 the weekend of the Carnival, i was with my Boy friend K......Not spillin lol sorry, but yea i was with my boyfriend, mind you i was haveing a blast. When i went to my mom for some tickets, it ended up being my dad to talk to me. 

Dad- Hey guess who called me...

Me- Who?

Dad- Steve.

Me- Pauls dad? what did he want? (It is it because of the job? ***His dad had called befor asking my Dad to get his son a job, mind you he still works at Taco Bell**)

Dad- Well He's going to be a Dad....

You have no idea, my happiness fell, it was like running into a brick wall. Or a Tone of bricks just falling on me. I looked at my Dad shocked.......

Me- WHAT!?!

My dad noddes his head, and walks away. I pulled out my phone to text him yelling, but then stop. Im with my Boyfriend why should i care right??? Im with the guy i love, why am i freaking about him?

I put my phone in my back pocket, and grab my boyfriends hand, and walk away.

The rest of that night was a blurr, i was upset, but at the same time having fun. 

Should I really be freaking out over the guy that disted me for someone else?????

(*Note to self,,,,That could have been you**)

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