2 Carnival part 2 (That night)

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Sorry about the wait, Finals, and Apps. Killer. Play the song while you read lol, or read it then listen who cares lol. So thanks =) 

Let me know what you think. 


Oh shit I'm dead, I know i am. Fuck what do i do??

I know im in deep shit.

I went back to bed, jackie was dead asleep, and i climbed in next to her. I had been laying in my bed for about a hour when i got a text on my phone.

Babe: hey babe hope you had a good night with Jackie, sweet dreams. love you.

I froze.... I love you. Thoughs 3 words.... Brought back Memorries. A memmorie that made me start to cry. 

I looked up at him, knowing he wanted to say it, but he could bring himself to. I grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled him down whispered in his ear. 

"If i tell you i llove you what would you say?" 

I felt the tears swell in my eyes. As i started to cry Jackie turned to me still half asleep half awake.

"You ok?" her voice was deep, sticky with sleep.

"Yea, im ok...." i silently cried again.

She just went back to sleep. I didnt know what to do. I was so lost. No direction, no base no clue what so ever. I was lost and confused tied between 2 people i loved.


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