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Dear love,

                 Didn't you ever wonder why I never replied to your messages? Probably not...you probably were off with some other girl..telling her how much you love her and how she is the most gorgeous girl you have ever met.
               I never understood you, the way you talked was like flowers blooming but the way you treated me was like fire on a puddle of gas. You never noticed the sadness in my eyes when I would come over. All you saw was that there was a a good chance that you can get into another girls pants by telling them that you loved them.
             I love you. I will love you till the end of my life. But if I end my life right now....then you see that you won't have anybody here left to actually love you. You took me for granted, you saw that I cared and you thought it was a game. You played me like one of your fighting games.
           I remember the first day that we met. It wasn't romantic or anything, you just introduced me like any other person if they saw someone new, but I do remember the compliment that you said to me that day, "you have really beautiful blue eyes!"  I couldn't help but blush at that. You were a real charmer at the beginning.
          I'm not sure what else I really want to writ to you. So I guess I'll just leave it here.  I love you and I'm sorry.

                                                   ~love~ me

            P.s. I'm hoping you are receiving my letters...

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