「Chapter 3」

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I had awoken to my alarm blaring in my ear, my hair was a mess, my glasses were stuck in my hair, and I was probably snoring again. I untangle my glasses from my mop of green hair and place them back on my face and read the clock.

6:45 it read.

I take a cold shower and continue getting ready. I was so busy thinking of what might happen today in the shower that i'm running late. As I put on my shirt, I read the clock hung over my bed.


I pack everything into my back and lace up my shoes and by now i'm practically running out the door. I run past the table filled with my siblings and my mom cooking breakfast for them, I did a quick clock check again.

7:30 FUCK!

"Bye Sean!"

"BYE MOM!" i'm zooming down the street in order to make it to the bus stop on time and get to school on time. As I sit on the bus, surrounded by other students, my palms sweat and i'm shaking my leg like crazy.


The bus approaches the school, everyone pushes and shoves me all the way to the back, making me the last to step off of the bus. I begin to fast walk, i'm beginning to approach school, but someone from the corner runs out and we both collide. we tumble onto each other, and we fall down next to each other.

"hehe sorry about that." my glasses had fallen off in the process that I couldn't precisely make out who was speaking to me. I could see them, it's just that they were blurry so I couldn't see the face of who it was.

"umm here's your glasses." i look down to see a masculine arm handing me my glasses. i'm just hoping that they haven't shattered or gotten scratched, the last thing I need right now is broken glasses. I place them back on to be relieved to see that they aren't damaged at all. Then I look up to see who had crashed into me.

"oh... hello Mark." I say sarcastically.

"hi Jack. I guess i've just been kind of a walking disaster lately" we both stand up and I brush all of the dirt off of my jeans. "are you okay man?"

"yeah. i'm fine. i'll be going to class now." I didn't want to seem like a prick, but honestly, I was focused on being in school on time. I walk past him and begin to fast walk it to my class.

"oh... okay... bye, Jack." I hear his voice fade as I walk away. I finally arrive to class just as the bell was ringing, I sat down in my seat and attempted to catch my breath. It was math class, luckily I understood and had already learned the lesson previously so I didn't really bother paying attention. my mind began to wander to what had happened this morning.

'wow, I was kind of a dick to Mark. I hope he doesn't think i'm rude. I should find him and apologize later, the last thing I need is someone thinking i'm a prick.' the lesson went on and I could solve all of the problems easily, school became a bore for me, they didn't bother placing me in advanced classes because they knew I would be bored in that as well. now most of the time, I just go around and help students with the work.

"Mr. McLoughlin." I break out of my trance that I was in to see Mr. Morgan holding a slip. "Principal Anderson would like to see you after class." I walk up to Mr. Morgan's desk and grab the slip of paper.

'What could the Principal want? I haven't done anything wrong.' Just then the bell had rung, dismissing everyone for recess. I pack everything and begin my journey to the Principal's office.

I enter into the main office and make my way down the long hall of counselors and vice Principals. at the end of the hallway was Principal Anderson's office, I stood in front of the door and opened it to see Mark talking to Principal Anderson.

"you're grades are slipping Mark, I think this is the best solution...." He then looks up to see me standing in the doorway. "Hello Sean! please come have a seat!" What the hell did I just walk in on?

"you can call me Jack Principal Anderson."

"okay, Jack, please have a seat." I take a seat next to Mark, I feel extremely awkward since these are two people I never talk to.

"Am I in trouble?" Principal Anderson laughs.

"Jack, you could never be in trouble. i'm just here to ask a favor of you for Mark's sake." I turn to see Mark smiling and beaming like he is the Teletubby sun. I turn back to Principal Anderson.

"What is this favor you speak of?"

"Well, Jack, you are one of the top students in your grade level, and when you teach people I have been told you are very good at it. Mark here, well, he is having troubles understanding the material you learn. I wanted to propose and ask if you could be his tutor!" I raise an eyebrow to Principal Anderson, look at Mark (who is still smiling), and then back to Principal Anderson.

"i'm willing to do so. Depending on the hours."

"I ask a minimum of one hour everyday after school, if it fits in your schedule, we can change some things around if necessary." I take a moment to think about this.

'this could make up for me being a shit lord this morning... maybe then his thoughts about me will change. I could socially benefit, and I get a chance to change an average person to someone who could potentially excel intellectually if he follows my every order...' I think to myself

"please Jack." Mark folds his hands together and is at this point, begging me. He gives me puppy dog eyes, which is admittedly adorable.

"i'll do it, it fits into my schedule. Besides we do have a lot of classes together meaning we will have a lot of the same work to do, we can do it together."

"wait, we have a lot of classes together??"

"splendid to hear that you're on board with this idea! would it be possible if this takes action today?"

"of course Principal Anderson, I don't have anything going on after school anyways."

"fantastic. on that note, I will send you boys back to your classes, and Mr. Fischbach, I hope to see improvement in your grades, I would like a status report in about 3 weeks."

"yes sir..." Principal hands us our passes and we leave his office, I begin to walk down the hall but then Mark runs up behind me.

"wAIT! JACK!" he finally catches up to me "god you walk fast.... anyway, um, thanks for agreeing to this man."

"no problem."

"are you sure you're willing to put up with me? you're willing to help me get my grades up?"

"get your grades up?" Mark nervously rubs the back of his neck, one of his nervous habits I noticed when he has to admit something he didn't want to.

"well.. i'm slowly beginning to drift below average. I mean I get B's and C's and D's... mostly the last two but I think i'm doing okay... but Principal Anderson thinks otherwise and was getting concerned." Just as I thought, his grades are C's, but I didn't think D's. But at least he didn't say he was getting any F's.

"I see. well i've helped quite a few people before, some more stubborn than others, but i'm sure you won't be hard to help."  from what I can tell and observe from Mark is: he is willing to learn but has difficulties making the effort to do and learn the material. an easy habit to fix.

"really? you think so?"

"Mark. I know so. but in order for me to help you, you have to listen to do as you are told and follow directions, if not, I will stop helping and your grades will plummet."

"Shit... okay. I will."

"good, then I shall see you after school." I we reach the end of the hall and begin to walk our separate ways.

'This should be rather interesting.'

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