「Chapter 8」

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"I'M HOME!" I walk through the front door and look around. Silence. Mom must have gone to the market and dad is still at work. Perfect, it's time to put the plan into action. I start to walk around the house removing the batteries from all of the phones and placing them in my pocket.

As I go around I check the time.


I have about 20 minutes before my mother comes home, she's quite fast at the market, and I have maybe an hour or so until father comes home from work. parents come home and about 2 or so hours until the call comes in. Thinking about it gives me butterflies in my stomach, i'm hoping that i'm able to pull this off.

But I think about it, they don't know when that call comes in, I do. They don't know that I was late, I do. They don't know i'm staging all of this, I do.

I walk up the creaky stairs and enter my room so my mother doesn't suspect anything. I decide to write quickly in my notebook.

3/10: Today I had awoken late due to my father being rude and possibly telling my family members to not interact with me due to the previous day's incident. I took the time however to cover the still noticeable mark my father left on my face with some of my sister's makeup. I entered the classroom but my teacher was being as rude as my father and had sent in that I was tardy to class, I ended up breaking down in class and Mark helped to comfort me. However, in the moment, my tears washed away the makeup and Mark had found out about the incident, but to help me out, he has helped me to devise a plan to avoid my parent's from ever finding out about me being tardy. The plan is underway as i'm writing this entry, I will be sure to write an update about whether or not the plan failed or succeeded. it's currently  3:47, the plan will take action soon enough.

As I finished up the final sentence, I heard the front door open then close. Mother must be home.


"YES MOTHER, I AM." I hear my mother's footsteps going around the bottom floor, I sweat nervously, hoping she doesn't have to use the house phone at all to call someone, if she does, she'll catch me. For now, I will lock myself away in my room to 'study'.

The time passes quicker than I thought it would have, it was already 5:45 the moment I looked up to check the clock. My heart was racing and I felt a bit sweaty thinking of how this will all go down. I hear the door open and close, no words were spoken downstairs, i'm assuming father is home.

The footsteps are getting closer, and closer, and closer. My door opens and I freeze.

"Yes father?"

"Just came to check on you." he walk out and closes his door and heads to the bathroom, or his 'royal throne' as I call it. He spends more time in there than he does with us. I hear the phone ring and footsteps pass my room.


I swing open my door and see my father beginning to head down the stairs, to answer the phone that i'm supposed to answer. I panic and yell the first thing that comes to mind.

"I GOT THE PHONE, HOLY JESUS!" I literally begin to run down the stairs and pass my oblivious father and beat him to the phone just as he was about to pick it up. He shoots me a confused look, he stood there the whole time.


"Austin High School calling"

"Hello Principal Anderson, what is it that you need?"

"A student in your household in grade 11."

"Oh, Mark? He has improved already, he has gotten all of his work done as far as I know."

"was tardy during period 1 today."

"is that all Principal Anderson?"

"if you have any questions or concerns please contact the school. Thank you."

"Yes, thank you. Good bye." I hung up and turn around to see my father is still there, I mentally take a moment to gather myself and act as I usually would.

"why was the principal calling?"

"he wanted a status update regarding Mark and his studies and if he's getting his work done or not. I'm going to go back to studying." I pass my father and walk back up to my room and close my door.

I hear footsteps again going up the stairs and going down the hall, but they stop in front of my room door. my eyes were glued to the door, waiting for my father to come in and continue to interrogate me about the call. But they continued on. I heard a door slam closed.

I sigh in relief and slump in my chair. I just faked a whole entire call right in front of my father, who could have easily found out and crushed me like a grape, but I got away with it. I'm sure he was trying to listen to the phone call but failed, thank goodness.

I remembered the batteries and snuck around and put them back into the phones. My mother was too busy cooking, so she didn't know, this made it far easier. I decide to stay downstairs and watch TV until dinner was ready, I think I deserved it.

Dinner was ready, and as usual, it was only me and my parents. I remained quiet, but my father had his eyes glued on me.

"so. Sean. How was school?"

"the usual. Nothing rather spectacular, but nothing bad."

"Nothing interesting this morning?" I know what he was trying to get at, but i'm not gonna crack and tell him I was late.

"well they did have an absolutely atrocious looking breakfast being served this morning. I'm now convinced they are trying to poison the students."

"hmm. I see. No time issues?"

"I did wake up fairly late, but I still managed to arrive on time."

"well, that's good I suppose." The rest of dinner was silent and awkward, but I was happy knowing that I had won this battle and got away with it. I can't believe I did this!

I finished dinner and went upstairs to complete today's entry in my journal.

mission success! Though I seemed somewhat suspicious in the beginning, father had believed that I had spoken to the principal regarding Mark's studies. I know this is bad to disobey my parents honesty policy, but everyone has to rebel at sone time. it's healthy to do so from time to time. I feel like a whole new person, like I know how to protect myself from any oncoming negative events regarding my family. and it's all thanks to Mark. I don't know what I would do without him.

I finish the last sentence. realizing what I had just wrote I think to myself; why did I just write that? I guess it was in the heat of the moment. I place my journal away and decide to text Mark.

Jack: Mission success!

Mark⭐️: Perfect! I want to hear more about it tomorrow!

Jack: sure thing!

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