⚜chapter 10⚜ a surprise visit

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     You stir around in your bed trying to sleep soundly. The nice warm blanket keeps you warm as you smile happily. Finally, a free day where you could sleep in and not worry about the host club! You can practically feel the niceness ease into your body as you shoot to sleep till 12. Snuggling under, you let out on lasts sigh and-

     "Y/N-chan!" Hikaru and Kaoru shout slamming your door open. "Wakey wakey!" They shout yanking the blanket away and your body curls to the cold air. "Give it back!" You yell hugging your arms as you shiver.

     "Wow Y/N-chan." Hikaru slides in looking you up and down. "That outfit is very.... Mature." Kaoru says and with flames in your eyes, you slam their heads together. Your voice seems to lower several Octaves and you say in a voice alms it like a demon. "Get out."

     They scramble to their feet and hurry away so you can't snap their little necks. You breath in and out rapidly trying to calm down and eventually you are able to slip on your leggings. Walking to the kitchen, you suddenly smell something burning and you rush in to see Hunny and Tamaki surrounding a skillet as the others look at some random object. Hunny had helped himself to Haruhi's apron and Tamaki..... Well.....

     "Why are you wearing my apron?!" You bark at Tamaki as he smiles happily to you. "What are you doing?!"

     "Well, we wanted to surprise you with a special breakfast from us, but I need an apron so I borrowed yours." He says and I stare blankly at him. "Why didn't you have the twins cook?" You ask and an arrow is shot into Tamaki's arm. "Did you spray the pan before you began? Did you even knock?" The more questions you ask, the more arrows are shot  until the final one Makes its mark. "Do you even know how to cook?"


You stare at him and blink as he sulks once more from the oh so depressing comment. Turning his away, you look at Hunny who is happily scrambling eggs. "Do you want me to help Hunny?" You ask walking towards him and he smiles up at you. "No, I want to cook!" He says and jumps down from his stool, skipping away. Sighing, you roll up your sleeves and begin making them your surprise breakfast.


"Thank you for the food!" They cheer as You watch them dig in. "It's great!" Hunny says happily tilts his head.


"It really is!" Hikaru and Kaoru cal out as you sit down by Mori. "Thanks." Mori mumbles taking a nibble then smiling. "It really is quite good for a commoner." Kyoya states and your eyebrow twitches as you laugh. "Don't be rude to my daughter!" Tamaki calls as he takes a bite. "Dewicous!" He calls mouth full of food. "Better than what Tamaki would have made!" The twins call out and you swear you can hear a little shattering sound (most likely his heart breaking).


"It wasn't my fault this time!" You shout as you all eat without paying any mind to Tamaki. A faint noise comes from upstairs and you all look around the corner seeing Haruhi. They blink as you sigh. "Haru-chan, they snuck into the house." You call and she looks up staring at the club. "Again?" Your eyes shoot to them like daggers. "You mean they've done this before?" You ask demon voice fully loaded. "What smells so good?" She mumbles walking into the kitchen as you follow in and continue your meal.

"Hey Haruhi, I thought your dad hates them?" You whisper and they all freeze looking towards her eyes literally like dots. "Hmm, oh he's at work." She mumbles munching on toast as they sigh from relief. "Why does he hate them?" You ask and they freeze again as she laughs evilly. "Boys, car to tell her?" She asks as they shake their heads slowly. "I'm in the host club so he hates them for that. Oh, and they are guys!" Haruhi says then takes a sip from her glass of orange juice.

"Why did you guys come?" Haruhi asks then holds her hand up before thy can talk. "Don't use the excuse that you came to make us breakfast." She says and you snap your heads to them. "Liars!" You hiss and they shiver as Kyoya explains.

"Well, he wanted us to have nice bonding time as a club." Kyoya says nodding his head to Tamaki. "So, I did a little research and found the perfect thing we get to do together." He says smiling and Haruhi and you share looks.

"So we have to do something because Tamaki's idiotic requests?" Haurhi asks and must I say where he ends up? "What did you find?" You asks and Kyoya scratches his arm as he opens his computer.

You all peer in as you watch his fast typing and how a bunch of power points over ridiculous things your assuming Tamaki had came up with. He goes to the Internet and types in an address. Several tabs show up and he clicks on the fourth one down. Turning his laptop like so, you see where your adventure awaits you.

To be continued

TAADAAAA! You get to find out tomorrow where you guys went. So where do you want to go? Don't be shy! I'd love your opinions! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! Please, vote, comment, follow or add!

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