⚜chapter 31⚜ lets give a slow sarcastic clap for Tamaki

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     "This is the worst idea you've ever had...." Kyoya shivers teeth chattering as he glares. "I honestly hate you."

     "Mom, is that anyway to talk to dad?" Kaoru asks and Hikaru turns eyes wide. "I thought Tamaki was mi' lord?"

     "KING!" Tamaki shout and you huff out air as you stare at them.

     "What kind of King would put someone through this?!" You shout and he tries to find a corner and you grab his collar. "No where to run."

     "No where to hide." The twins finish and he gulps as he smiles looking around.

     "This isn't such a bad idea!" He shouts and you glare even more.

     "Tamaki... You are having, a car wash...... IN THE MIDDLE OF DECEMBER!" You shout and straggle him as the Mori lifts you up and you kick. "It's the coldest month in the year!"

     "Not true! Coldest month is January!" He says and your eyes light to into fire as he shrinks down. "You're scaring me Y/N-chan."


     "Alright alright.... I must admit, this isn't the warmest time to do this, but we should make the best out of it!" Hunny cheers from aside Mori as you look at him. "What would make you feel better?"

     "Throwing Tamaki into a big tub and freezing him...." You state eyes glinting and his eyes cast downward.

      "Something that won't have Tamaki dying of hypothermia." Haurhi says and Tamaki hugs her happily (imagine it in chibi form). "Ohhhhhhh thank you Haurhi!!!" He cheers rubbing his cheek against hers and she glares. "Did I say you can touch me?" She asks and he jumps away.

     "Honestly, we need to get inside!" Hikaru states as we nod firmly and Tamaki turns extending a hand to you all.

     "Wait! What about the Car Wash?!" He shouts and you all turn eyes narrow.

     "Have fun." you all whisper and laugh walks in away.


      "Ahh, nothing like hot cocoa." Hunny sighs as you all hum in agreement. "I hope Tamaki is alright..."

     "Who cares!" Hikaru says as Kaoru states the thing you were thinking the entire time. "Why did we even agree to it?" He asks and you all go silent looking to Kyoya.

      "He....... Trick me....." Kyoya mumbles, just the slightest hint of blush on his cheeks.

      "TAMAKI?!" You all shout and he tosses his hand away in dismay. "Wow.... Tamaki trick our smartest member." Hikaru says and Kaoru stands up. "Bravo mi'lord, bravo."

     "Can it!" Kyoya shouts and sighs as he sinks into his chair. "Doesn't matter what happened, I give him 15 minutes and he's done."

     "Have more hope in him!" Haruhi states as she leans back. "At least 20."

     "Really? I thought 10." The twins state and Hunny jumps up with his odd floating flowers.

      "25!" He cheers as you all look to Mori and he holds up his fingers to form 5.

      "Wow.... Mori has the worst hope...." Everyone grumbles and they look to you. "Well, what about it Y/N?"

     "Hmm..... I really don't know...." You whisper looking around and shrug with a smile. "Whatever time he comes in."

     "Well.... Isn't that coming from the captain." Kyoya rolls his eyes and you stick out your tongue. "How mature." He says sarcastically.

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