⚜chapter 34⚜ Christmas Time and The I Love You Spill

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HC/C= Host Club Crush


"I can't believe I have to dress up for this." You mumble as you step up the stairs and Haurhi smiles. "Seriously! A Christmas Party...."

"Hey, it's for the host club so it's fine." She says as she pats your back. "Relax Y/N-chan!"

"I only have 6 days left..." You mumble and she nods as she squeezes your shoulder. "How am I going to tell them?"

"You just have to." Haruhi says and opens the door. "Hey we are here!"

"Great!" Hunny shouts as he runs by and Mori hurries by with an extinguisher. "Help us with the fire!"

"What in the world!" Haru shouts as she charges forward and you watch them extinguish a tray of something on fire. "What happened?"

"Ask Tamaki." They each state and you turn to see him already placed in his corner. "Tamaki.... What were you doing?"

"I just wanted to make Christmas cookies..." He mumbles as he sniffles and Kyoya stares at the caracoled cookies.

"I see..." You mumble as Hikaru takes one and slams it into the counter, but even a speck of dust falls from it. "W-well.... They are cooked well..."

"Hmm...." Tamaki cries softly and you all sigh as Mori takes the rest of the cookie dough as he bakes the rest.

"Common Tamaki.... We need to get ready for the party." Kyoya says helping him stand and dragging him away as Haurhi sighs.

After a short while, the yummy smell of cookies drift in the air and Tamaki finally recovered from his mishap. You stare at the door as it opens and your heart practically stops. There at the door, a whole crowd of people stand with bug grins. The biggest crowd you've ever seen.


"Haurhi! What's going on?!" You whisper and she shakes her head.

"I have no idea! It's supposed to be a party! I've never seen this many people!" She whispers and Hikaru peers into your conversation.

"It was Hunny's idea...." He mumbles and you sigh as Hikaru pushes on your back slightly. "Um... Y/N.... I need to talk with you..."

"I'm sorry.... I need to go help them, maybe in a minute." You whisper quickly as you turn on your heels and rush toward the crowd of people. You help Kyoya get every one entered in and finally take a breath of relaxation only to be forced to serve.

     "Y/N! I need your help over here!" Kyoya shouts and you pull back and run over to help him escort some people to tables.

     After almost an hour of seating and serving, Tamaki finally starts the actually party and you sit on a couch trying to cope with everything. Only an hour has passed and you already feel completely drained. All you want to do is go home and change into some warm sweatpants an amazing t shirt and have some hot cocoa. You feel the weight as Hikaru sits beside you and you look to him.

     "Finally.... Look, Y/N, I really need to talk to you about something..." He whispers and you nod as you smile and lean forward.

      "Alright, shoot." You nod and he takes a deep breath as he grips the hair at the back of his neck biting away at his lips.

     "You see.... There's, um.... For a while now I haven't really been able to get your out of my mind..." He mumbles and his cheeks brighten with a shade of pink. "I know it's completely cliche.... Really, every time I listen to my music, I think of you and how everything in the music fees dull.... Then just when I think of you or your around it just speaks in volumes...." He mumbles and shakes his head. "I... I like you Y/N!"

     You stare at him eyes wide and he stands up blushes with a small smile as he quickly darts away. You don't even have enough time to tell him your answer. The cheerful voices seem distant as you feel yourself fall into a tight corner. A confession and you couldn't tell him the truth.

      "Y/N, you look like you're about to cry." Kaoru mumbles as you look to see him staring at you with a sad expression. "I was wondering if you were busy..." Shaking your head, he begins speaking. You understand the words he speaks, but it seems to take a long time to process. In your mind, you knew it was yet another confession, but you wanted to deny it all. "Just... Give me your answer later alright?" He asks squeezing your hands gently and standing to help with yeh service.

     Your head already swimming, Kyoya approaches you with yet another. His sincere words pulling you apart, even Tamaki confesses and you feel nauseous as you try to keep yourself stable. So, you go to the one place to keep you up.


     "I can't keep doing this..." You mumble as you stare out at the dark sky. Stars and a full moon lighting its way. "I have to tell them... It's not like I can hold it off forever..... Forever ends in 5 days..." The door creaks open and you find yourself tensing up. "I'll be back in to help soon.. I just need air."

     "I didn't realize you came out here Y/N-chan..." Your body lurches at Mori's voice and you quietly turn to look at him. "How ya doing?"

     "I-I'm fine." You whisper as he nods and walks to stand beside you.

     "Hunny is about to announce the main thing so we'll have to go in soon.... But it's such a nice night." He mumbles as you nod in agreement and his next words shock you. "Ya know... I've been wondering if you like anyone..."

     You had to admit, yes you began imagining cute dates and such with HC/C but to actually be with them would light you on fire! Imagine him, holding you in his arms as you says your cold, or winning you a stuffed animal at the fair... HC/C, all yours...

    "Because I have..." He whispers and turns to look at you. "Y/N-chan... I know it's weird and all... But I don't to make cookies for anyone else but you, I don't want to be called by my name other than you and well, Hunny.... I only want you to make me my favorite kind of cake.... It has to be you. I-I...... Li- well... It's more  than that.... Love you.... Yeah, I love you..." He mumbles and your heart feels completely shredded. What are you supposed to do? You feel a hand on your shoulder and you both decide to head into the building.

     "Alright guys! It's time to annoy d the reason we had this little ball!" Hunny cheers as he raises up a glass and looks at you with living eyes. "It's a little party to say we all love you.... For Y/N-chan!" He cheers and applause ring out as you smile and he clears his throat. "I'm not done."

     "It's an I love you and I'll miss you party!" He cheers and every lets out confused murmurs as he gives you a broad smile.

      "Because Y/N is deciding to leave us."


I hope you enjoyed! Please! Vote, comment, add and or follow for more!!! Love you all and I hope you are ready for the last chapter!!! Thanks!!!

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