Chapter 3

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The next day, everything just gets worse. My sight is even starting to play with me.

When I got home the day before, my bed sheets were red. My walls were red.

Everything was red! And it was driving me insane! Red isn't even my favorite color! I completely despise it anyway!

And Eva just decides it will be a good day to torture me. Of all days.

"Hey wonder girl? Are you sure your feeling alright?" Her voice hisses as I continue to walk down the halls, trying to ignore her and the walls of red around me.

I keep my vision to the floor, glaring at the red tiles and trying not to burst into angry tears. Please just go back to normal... What were the actual colors of the tiles anyway? I've forgotten.

"Hey, I'm talking to you! What do you keep staring at you selfish brat!?"

I stop, finally turning to her. I don't like the fact that my sight turns her eye color into that despising color... But to my horror, the insides of me find it to be right. I feel like the color suits her even if I don't want it too. God, what's happening?!

"I don't know what you're talking about," I mumble looking at everything but her. She's at least three sizes taller than I am, and she chooses to bully me about it and feel as if she's superior.

"What are you going to do? Stare at me till I age lifeless? Why did your mom even bother naming you red? Why not black so it matches your soul?"

I force myself not to laugh, turning on my heels and continue my trek to the classroom. I wish my vision turned out black. Anything is better then red.

"Or that bland color white to teach you how much you don't matter in the world?!" She yells and students begin to watch.

White would be an awesome color too.

I feel myself wishing and wishing that the color will change, but it doesn't. My eyesight stays red and angry. My eyes feel hot, but I continue down the hallway.

Almost there... I just need to reach my class. Then I'll be done. I won't have to worry about her for another hour.

"Were did your best friends go?! Did they get tired of you?"

She shoves my back and I gasp, hitting the floor with a thud.

My head hits the floor rather hard and my vision swims, red swarming the everything in sight as I stare at the floor.

"Get up Red Riding Hood," a voice demands, and I hear it as if it's right in front of me. Talking straight to me.

I look up and down the hall, watching the walls begin to swim and circle, coming together and making some kind of a portal.

"Don't want to embarrass yourself now do you?"

I squint, trying to get rid of the nausea that swims through my system.

"Get up you coward!" I hear a voice yell, sounding from behind me and I slowly I turn over to my back.

I gasp again at the type of beast that hovers over me.

"Get up you brat!"

Fear runs my system, and the beast snarls at me. My vision turns black, the sweet and blissful new color and my head hits the floor yet again.
My eyes slowly open to bright lights. For a hot second I think I'm in the hospital. But I know this room. I've been in the nurses office for multiple reasons. Mostly for anxiety attacks, or being unprepared for certain months.

But now, seeing it as it is feels different and wrong. Just like every other thing I look at and think about at night. Wondering what's happening to me and if I'm going insane.

I slowly sit up, ignoring the red colored walls and floors.

"Hello Reed," the nurses light voice says and I shift uncomfortably.

The only good thing about this is the fact that humans were no longer red in my sight... At least not like a few minutes ago. Their human skin regular and tinted to the different colors I find myself missing... Wait... Did I just identify everyone has human?

"Uh... Hello."

"Your mother is coming to pick you up. You fainted in the hallway, and she thinks it's better if you came home..." The nurse mumbles, turning towards me from her desk.

I nod silently, trying not to look at her red eyes.

"Is everything alright? Anything you would like to tell me?"

I shake my head. I can't tell anyone this... At least not yet. I'll be sent to some mental asylum... Am I insane? I don't feel inane. Maybe I am. I'm thinking too fast and too much,

The nurse gives me a worried look.

"Well alright. When you've decided, I'll be ready and waiting."

I nod again, gulping at the poster of a baby on the wall. It seems to move around, glancing at me and all the other red walls as if it sees what I can. It looks frightened. What's going on with me? Maybe I actually am insane.

More then anything, I want to tell someone about this. But my friends think I'm crazy, so why won't anybody else...? It seems so useless.

My mother soon comes to pick me up, and she quickly starts to drive me to the hospital.

"Mom is this really necessary?" I ask her shakily, the thought of the mental asylum coming back into my head.

"Extremely. Who knows, maybe your blood sugar is low, maybe you have some disease! Dude, I can't risk you getting sick," my mother yells and I roll my eyes, pretending not to be bothered when the inside of me is freaking out.

This day is just getting more and more weird. And I can't explain any of it. I don't like the tension I feel just then. Something is definitely about to happen, but I don't know what...

Red Hiding Hood: The Story You Haven't Heard [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now