Chapter 10

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"Ok. We need to figure out who this person is," my mother says as she sits down at the kitchen table, reading over the letter.

It's the next day, and it's scorching hot outside. People and children are outside playing, but I'm to nervous and shy to try to say hello, so my mother and I agreed to stay inside.

I sit down next to her, looking at the bottom where the signature is.

"Maybe... Someone around the neighborhood knows who she is?" I ask and my mother sighs.

"Maybe... Do you feel like going out to ask people?"

"Why can't you do it?"

"I'm making lunch Red! If you really want to find out who this person is, go ask someone around the neighborhood."

She sets the paper down in front of me, getting up and walking to the fridge.

"We need water too. If I remember correctly, the driver told us we had to get it ourselves."

She walks towards the front door, grabbing a barrel and setting it next to me.

"Do that too please."

I sigh, rubbing my forehead.

"Alright, fine."

I brush down my red dress, tightening the red ribbon on my head and grabbing the barrel.

"I'll be back."

I grab the letter, walking out the front door.

I close the door behind me, a loud sigh coming from my lips at the difference in temperature.

I squint at the hot sun, now wishing I had brought some sunscreen.

I slowly glance towards the next house down, not seeing the creepy women anywhere. But she seems like the right person to see.

I sigh again, slowly making my way towards the old house.

I jog up the steps, hesitating at the front door.

I lift my hand and the door opens wildly making me flinch. I yelp, stepping away.

"Who are you?" The women asks urgently.

I gulp.

"Uh... Er... My name is Red," I answer as the women glances around.

"What do you want?" She asks lightly and I look down at the letter.

"I was wondering if you knew this women... It doesn't say the name, but she says she's my grandmother..."

I lift the note to her, and she swipes it out of my hand. Her red eyes scan over the paper, flipping it to the back.

Her eyes widen and she looks around again.

"Are you alone?"

I didn't like that question.

"Um... It depends."

She grabs my arm.

"Come in."

She jerks me inside, making me yelp again. She closes the door rapidly behind me and locks it. This isn't good.

But I feel like I'm on the right path yet again, and I find myself freezing. I would have ran back to the door if I was a sane person, unlocking it and running back to my mothers safe arms... But now, I stand frozen, my mind turning. I feel like I'm on the right path so should I stay?

I set the barrel down, wiping my dress off again.

"That was unnecessary," I snap, putting my hands on my hips.

Red Hiding Hood: The Story You Haven't Heard [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now