Chapter 5

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Yesterday was the last day of school. My big fall, the beast, the doctor. Everything happened on that day. My friends didn't even say or think to say goodbye.

The sun shown through the windows of my red colored room. Nothing has changed. I'm still seeing the cloaks everywhere I possibly look. In my soup this morning, the letters even said Cloak.

I'm sitting on my bed, staring at absolutely nothing. I'm afraid to look at anything else. My legs are crossed underneath me, my hands at my sides and I have been sitting here for the past hour.

My mother knocks lightly on the door.

"Come in..." I mumble, not looking at the door as she slowly opens it.

"Hey, just came to tell you that you have mail, dinner is almost ready," she whispers and I nod hesitantly.

She hesitates, walking up to me and kissing my forehead.

"I'm sorry you're feeling so down," she whispers as she runs her hands through my brown wavy hair. It used to be brown.

It's weird how I remember my hair catching all the different colors and shades of brown. My mother tells me that's how I was basically born. I've always had different shades of brown running through my hair. But I never minded. I actually liked that trait about me... And now it's gone. I the only thing I see now is different shades of red.

She slowly backs out of my room, and heads to the kitchen.

I sigh after a moment of fatigue, closing my eyes for a moment before slowly getting up and walking down the stairs and through the hallway.

On the dining table, there are different slips of mail set in a pile.

I slowly go through the red cards, finding one in specific. It has my name on it, and my address.

But what's different about it is the format.

The mail looks oddly... Old. Beat up; dirty.

I tilt my head as set the rest of the mail down, walking slowly back towards my mother.

"When did this get sent in?" I ask her as I watch her spin something in a bowl.

"Today, why?"

"It looks so... Old," I whisper and she turns.

"Well that's... Odd."

She sets the spoon down, walking over to me and looking over my shoulder.

"Have you opened it?"

I shake my head, slowly turning it over and lightly tearing the seal.

The only thing inside is a letter, which looks oddly ancient.

It says and I read aloud;

My dearest Reed,

It is true, I'm not aloud to leave the place that I was born. I have grown gravelly sick, and i need things that only your city can offer. I surely cannot leave my own town, but you can surely come into mine. It's true, you might not know who I am. You might not even remember me. But I'm your great grandmother, and I'm in need. Below are a few things I need for you to bring to me. If you decide not to come, I will completely understand. But if you do... Well I will be highly great full.

-Your Grandmother

1. Bread
2. Cookies
3. Vitamins
4. Lettuce
5. Wasp Spray
6. Apple Juice
7. Pepper Spray

I stare at the list of things, my stomach growling. This is the weirdest list of things I've ever been given... Especially to make medicine.

I turn to my mother, who has her eye brows furrowed.


She shakes her head.

"Who ever this is, it doesn't matter. I'll go to the grocery store and we will be on our way," my mother states turning the stove off.

My eyes widen.

"M-Mom what? You don't even know who this person Is!" I protest and she turns to me.

"Oh please. I will be glad to help a person in need. Red, you know me dude. My conscious needs to stay clean."

She grabs her purse and is completely out the door before I can even count to three.

I stare at the red door, my head spinning. This is absolutely crazy... What's going with everybody?

I glance over the bowl she was mixing, coming over and looking inside it. Cookie dough it must be... Did my dad ever like cookies?

My eyes widen again, and I look back at the letter. It looks extremely old... Whoever wrote this might be dead. Did they know my dad? Was this my dads mother?

Maybe that's why my mother is acting so strangely.

I turn the note over to see if there's anything else and I stumble back in shock.

There is a simple drawing of sorts, and this time I'm sure it won't disappear.

It's the cloak.

And it's glowing red.

What am I exactly up against?! Whoever this person is - who is supposedly my grandmother - knows about my sightings.

I gasp lightly, knowing what this can mean.

She can probably help me!

Maybe she's going through the same things that I am... And this medicine is to somehow cure it!

Suddenly, I'm not feeling incredibly scared about this anymore.

A smile spreads on my face.

It can't be that hard to take these things to her right?

Red Hiding Hood: The Story You Haven't Heard [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now