Chapter 17

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"Can we just stop for a moment?!" I ask, setting my hand on my knees.

What's the point in running anyway? The beast can't even be heard, and we're traveling in the complete opposite way we came!

Trusom and Diana stop, turning around at the same pace. Diana places her hands at her hips, not even looking the least bit dazed.

"Have you noticed that we're traveling in the opposite direction? The house is that way!" I yell, pointing south.

Trusoms light blue hood tilts.


I hesitate slightly. His voice is way deeper then I imagined.

Diana sighs, taking off her hood, and wiping her hands down her black jeans.

"I'm taking her to that grandmother thing."

Trusom doesn't speak for a second, then slowly let's his hood down. His eyes shine at a awkward green, and pale skin filled with freckles. He looks about 15. But with that hood and voice, I would guess otherwise.

"Grandmother thing?" His voice shows warning and Diana hesitates.

"She supposedly knows who lives in that old house down by Crack Ford."

Trusom's eyes widen, and he stares at me.

"You can't go there."

Diana shoots him a look.

"Why not!" I ask, throwing my basket on the ground angrily.

"Because it's cursed."

I stare at him, my hands shaking with fury.

If I wasn't trapped in this spooky hollow type forest, I would've ran. But no. I'm trapped with a beast after me, and following these lunatics.

I have no choice but to go onward.

"I don't care! I came in here to find my grandmother! You said you would take me to her, so you're going to take me to her!" I yell, pointing to Diana who stares at the floor.

Trusom shakes his head slowly.

"The only way you're going to be able to enter is if you survive the night."

I already have.

"I'll just look for another hole in the ground sense there are so many-"

"You got lucky there. We at least have to wait until morning..."

Trusom looks up at the setting sun, before glancing at Diana. He grins.

"Then we'll take you to your grandmother."

I squint my eyes at them. Diana looks the slightest bit guilty, and that doesn't make me feel so entirely good.

"Are you lying to me?" I whisper, making Trusom shake his head.

"No! You came in here for a reason..."

He turns on his heels, continuing to walk north.

"So we're going to help you make that reason done."

He shrugs and Diana silently follows.

"Where are you going? That's still the opposite direction!"

"I have a hut that's a few miles down."

I sigh. I can either stay the night in the open air, basically asking for the beast to catch me. Or. I can follow these mysterious people that may or may not be trying to kill me themselves.

I pick up my basket, and slowly begin to follow them. I end up in the same consequence no matter what, so what's the point in fighting?
A few moments later, we come across a branch filled tree house up on the highest point. I look up, now dazed with fright. I hate heights.

Trusom silently begins to climb up the ladder, which is very old and rickety if I might add.

Diana follows suit, leaving me with again two choices. Climb up and probably die from being held captive or run, soon dying in the hands of the beast.

I shiver, grabbing onto the ladder and making my way up quickly. Again, same consequence. I have literally no choices at all.
I lay on the solid ground, my arms and legs shivering on the wood beneath me. It's dark, and gloomy. I have to sleep on the living room floor while Diana and Trusom got the two bedrooms.

It doesn't matter though... I'll be gone by morning.

I want to explore. I want to go somewhere, but I can hear the beast howling close by. I don't know if it can smell me. I really hope it can't. And what will it do if it finds me? Eat me? Tear the house down and killing the maniacs with it?

But most importantly what will happen once I get to my grandmothers house... This "Crack Ford" they were talking about? And why did they call it that? I've never heard such a name... It sounds big. Like how you would name a small village or neighborhood.

I shake my head, turning on my left side. My grandmother and i are the only people here. With of course the exception of Diana and Trusom. But they don't seem real. They seem way to out of the ordinary and weird looking to be real.

I slowly pinch my arm, wincing at the pain. If this is a dream, it's pretty lucid.

I sigh, closing my eyes and trying to get rid of the all noises that sound below. Nothing can hurt me. I'm safe.

But of course... I've never really felt safe.

Red Hiding Hood: The Story You Haven't Heard [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now