Chapter 16

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We are walking in dead silence through the forest, and questions suddenly pop into my head.

"Who are you? You never told me."

She hesitates, clenching and unclenching her hands.

"My name is Diana. That's all you need to know."

"But where did you come from?"

She doesn't respond, walking a little faster.

"Do you have anybody else with you? You don't seem to be the masculine one up on the trees when I got here."

She glances behind her to look at me, her eyes distant.

"That was Trusom."


"My friend."


Diana keeps stepping over twigs and branches, swatting away gigantic leaves, only for me to be hit by afterward.

I grunt, absolutely done with this.

"Can you please stop swinging those things?! What if it's poison ivy?!" I yell, watching her chuckle.

"Poison Ivy? There's no such thing here."


Diana sighs, rolling her eyes.

"Oh nevermind just watch your step-"

A gigantic growl interrupts us, and Diana stops immediately. I bump into her back, grunting again.

"What is it?"

"Don't. Move."

She slowly reaches into the side pocket of her cloak, her eyes looking this way and that.

"What's going on?" I whisper, now growing nervous.

"If you want to live... Shut up."

I zip my mouth closed.

We are in the middle of four gigantic leaves. They are like a barrier of some kind.

The ground we are stepping on went in a round circle, until you can't see it anymore. Just like I said, a barrier.

Or a trap.

Another growl, then the hiss and rustle of leaves. The gigantic overgrowth shakes and the loud footsteps of something much bigger then me sounds the air around us.

No... It's found us.

Then leaves stop, and I hear a large sniff. Diana tenses in front of me, a large knife appears in her hand.

"Don't move an inch. And don't talk. It uses its ears."

"Then why are you talking?!"


The leaves slowly but surely begin to part, and my eyes widen at the brown, hairy, sharp toothed and red eyed beast standing in front of us. Just like the vision...

This isn't good one bit.

The crazed eyes stare at me, mouth unhinged and saliva still dripping from its mouth. It stands as still has a rock. We're having a staring contest, and each and every nerve in my body tells me to run.

The hot breath of something that died earlier comes sighing out of his mouth, making it hard not to gag.

Diana is as tense as a rock, but it doesn't look like the beast wants anything to do with her. It's like she wasn't there at all. He has his eyes on me, but they look distant. He can't see me either. He's waiting for a sound...

It's blind?

I take a small step back, making sure not to make any noise once so ever. And it seems like it worked, no sound came as I step back down on the dirt.


The beasts eyes widen, and Diana turns to me.

It appears that I have stepped on a twig.

"Damn you," Diana states, loud and clear, making the beast snarl.

He opens his mouth even further, letting out a antagonizing loud roar.

"RUN!" Diana shouts and I turn, sprinting with her following me.

The beast roars, it's pounding feet rushing behind us. My heart hammers in my chest and my legs burn. I really hope i'm running fast enough.

"Where do I go?! We're running the opposite way we came!" I shout and Diana runs up ahead.

"Follow me, quickly!"

We turn in all directions, not loosing the beast once but it's lagging. I don't know how long I can keep running.

I hold onto the basket, my breaths shooting out of me a hundred times a minute.

"We're loosing it! Keep going I have a plan!" Diana shouts turning to the right.

We are suddenly on a dirt path, and a boy in a light blue cloak suddenly appears out of the darkness.

The beast can still be heard, but it's far enough away to where we can diverge in a plan.

"Trusom! Beast on our tale hurry!" Diana shouts, and the boy flinches.

He turns and begins running ahead of us, grabbing rocks twigs and anything he can find.

He stops in the growth of trees, and immediately the two friends get to work.

Diana grabs one end of the vine, and Trusom with the other. They wrap it together with two trees, stabilizing it, and hopping onto a tree branch.

I watch in awe as they assemble a trap. They tie another vine together with the ones on the bottom, tying it with a small rock.

Trusom sharpens a stick, putting it on the other side of the trap, making it as if once the beast trips over the vine, a reaction strikes making the rock hit it right in the head, and the stick stab it where it's centered.

It's genius.

But I don't think it will be enough. The beast is three times bigger then all of us, and a tiny rock and twig won't stop it.

But it will buy us time.

Diana and Trusom jump off the tree, and begin running again.

"Come on this way!" She shouts and I groan.

I hesitate before running to catch up with them.

We are still running in the opposite direction of the house.

It will take days to get back to where we left off.

Red Hiding Hood: The Story You Haven't Heard [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now