Chapter 22

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Diana straightens, and I turn around to look at yet, another purple lilac.

"Why are you acting so shocked? That's not good at all!"

Trusome pokes it.

"... How is it possible for it to grow here?"

Diana stands, flipping her hood on her head and putting the fire out.

"I don't know, nor do I care. The wolves are close and we need to get Red to her grandmothers. Let's go, the sun is going to be up in a few minutes."

Trusome stands, and helps me to my feet. My teeth still chatter, and yet I'm sweating.

"Do you know when-"

"It could be unexpected. We don't know when another spasm will happen," Trusome responds for me, taking off his cloak and wrapping it around me instead.

"I don't need it. Just try and keep yourself warm."

I nod hesitantly and Diana steps off the twigs and branches, and begins walking north.

The sun shines, and the wind rips against me. My fingers are turning blue, and I can't feel anything.

My heart beats an unnatural rate. Once it's normal then it picks up and it's hard to breathe. Sometimes I can feel a spasm coming and I can stop it, but it's so tiring and I don't want to sleep knowing my nightmares will keep me awake.

God... What's the point in anything?

I bite my lip, trying to get feel into it, but all that comes is the taste of metal.

I sigh, flinching when Diana and Trusome suddenly turn to the right. I stare at the dark forest they entered, my skin tingling at the change in temperature.

"Come on Red, we're going to be late," Diana states and I tilt my head, shaking off the feelings and running in after them.

"Late for what?"

"Your grandmother's house opens at a certain time. That's in about..."

Diana looks up at the sky.

"Two hours."

I bite my lips again.


Trusome glances at me from his shoulder.

"The wolves don't come out on that time."

I nod shakily, the dark forest only growing much more dark and creepy.

My eyes look around at all the things that fly in the air, all the pairs of eyes that stare from between the trees, and the... Weird colored burnt red mud now on my shoes.

"... Do any of you guys see the pairs of eyes and weird looking mud?"

Diana stops and I bump into her back, stumbling away.


"The bugs, eyes and weird colored mud... Do you guys not see them?"

Trusome grabs his cloak from over my shoulders, his eyes squinting.

"No... We don't..."

"It's probably the Adara's poison... It'll go away at some point," Diana interrupts.

"If I get the medicine?"

"... Yes."

She continues walking and I sigh again. It's just me... It's just the Adara poison... They aren't there.

Red Hiding Hood: The Story You Haven't Heard [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now