Chapter 14

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Okay. So I had made a gigantic mistake. Walking through a black, dark space between two scary looking trees wasn't my best move. Not my smartest either. I don't know what came over me. I don't know why I thought I had the guts to even enter this forest. These forests that give off a bad red glow ever sense I came here.

Now re-thinking everything as I run through the forest in pure terror, I realized my mistake.

My feet hit the dirt floor and my breath hitches with every step. My screams echo throughout the space as I continue running.

You're probably wondering what the heck just happened. Well let me put it into detail.
I had just entered through the dark trees, as happy as I can be that I now can see color.

And immediately, i knew I had made the wrong decisions.

As soon as the dress and the basket shows up, I know this is a trap. A trap sent by my so called grandmother.

I gulp as I glance around the dark space. Owls and the sounds of small animals scattering around the grass make me shiver.

"Where... Am I?" I whisper, flinching at the screeching of a bird.

"You're in the forest," a voice answers, making my eyes widen.

"Who's there?"

I get tapped on my shoulder and I flinch.

I scream, turning around.

I am met with a girl. She wears a blue hood like mine, blazing gold eyes and pure white skin. I've never seen anybody like this in my life. She looks frightening and scary looking.

"Who are you?!" I ask, my breath quickening.

"Run," is all she says.

I stand there confusingly.



I scream again as she shouts at me.

"RUN LITTLE GIRL!" She screams, and I take off in the opposite direction.

I can still hear her shouts and cries and the ground rumbles.


The trees quake in front of me, moving and shifting like trying to capture me. I scream and scream until my voice goes hoarse and my legs and lungs burn.


But I can't run any longer. My vision tips and before I can crash to the ground my feet trip over a rock.

I scream again as I fall through a hole in the ground. The slanted slate makes me tumble all the way down. My hands scrape against the rough dirt, and my body aches.

I hit the end of the slant, and the air gets ripped from my lungs. I cough and hack, keeping my eyes closed as I shake.

I shouldn't have came. I shouldn't have came.

The basket is still in tack next to me, and the only thing that is keeping me warm from the cold night is my cloak. The cloak is the only thing that makes me feel calm.

What is this place that I fell into? How do I get out?

And how do I find that house that my grandmother is being held in?

Red Hiding Hood: The Story You Haven't Heard [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now